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AuthorThe coming tide
we need a seaport in the map ... to land dwarf into the empire ...so we can expect the port in the map
@141: nope, it's written that they must already be here and lurking in the mountains, regaining their strength
Woot, sounds like a tourney (Sorry to state the obvious but it's sure good to know something's definitely brewing >^,,^<)
.....Our concern at the moment is that those you would place as Warlords do not have the proper experience in dealing with the newest creatures which Councilor Thutkra has recently bred and trained.”

does this also mean we'll be getting upgraded troops e.g. deep hydra, etc?
for Dionysus:
People have guessed that this post:

Indicates that we will have new units, possibly the Tier 5 upgrades
Yeahh Tier-5 Upgrades .. :) I agree with that .. :)
@145: cool, thanks
if i remember right:

a long time ago - a year maybe or even more - there was a thread created by arctic where he asked a name for the waterfall area on the north-east, implying that it would become part of the map one day.

maybe, just maybe...

Skunder found the thread:


Thx Skunder!
It`s look like dwarfs!
these stories are written really good, feels like i'm reading a book.
so far im suspecting we are going either get new units(most probably tier 5 upgrade) or battling new unitsin tourney like in .ru (cuz it says "We are behind you Empress, all the way. However if these new Warlords are to take on these roles, they will need to be properly trained. It is the suggestion of this Council that a tournament is held in order to prepare them for the trials up ahead"
it's finished the coming tide
It's definetly a war with dwarfs like a year ago on .ru
prepare for a war .. load yours best artifacts
It's definetly a war with dwarfs like a year ago on .ru
A yeaR AGO???
maybe .ru just a beta test for .com
hopes so...
Can i put a link from .ru ,so people could see what dwarf represent?
.ru is a russian server,and .com tend to be an international one
sure...then we know about it in advance and prepare ourselfs
For me, the topic means:

-We will have some rebalancing, and lvl 5 upg-s
-Then comes a tournament
(while or then)
-An event to build a stronghold on the NE region (mountains)
-Then the event: Shed the dwarven blood, so the waterfall would be colored red ^^
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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