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Thank you L-Silvard.

And about having 7 SP manti, even if I trade the one point of knowledge for SP I would only have 6 SP. Maybe if I use Basic Erudition, but then I won't have the magic talents...

If I have 3 knowledge:
-With 7 SP (by using Basic Erudition), I can do 80 damage per turn (using Magic Arrow) and 36 damage per turn (with Earthen spikes). I would do 7 attacks with Magic Arrow or 6 attacks with Earthen spikes.

-With 6 SP and Elemental Call, I can do 108 damage per turn (using Magic Arrow) and 48 damage per turn (using Earthen spikes), but can only do 3 attacks with Magic Arrow or only 3 attacks with Earthen spikes.
No, basic erudition is not a good option... You should reconsider your artifact choise... I guess your choise was Equilibrium blade over Combat staff? With combat staff, you'll get 7 SP.
If you don't have 7 SP, elementall call is a must... At least when fighting elfs...
btw.: if using elemental call, you DON'T NEED to always use this talent, you can still cast a normal arrow and normal spikes for normal mana cost... Usually you use elementall call only in first 2 rounds...
So, example: 2x8mana (EC arrow) + 3x4mana (normal arrow) = 28 mana
i find equilibrium blade much better, since the 2 def boost, i can easily destroy swords with minos n arrows, but then 8 def extra means elven -8,
fk -7, spike kills a druid wall n a magi wall of 2,2,2

the choice is urs
No I have chosen Combat staff, Wizard Cap, Amulet of Luck, Cape of Spirits and Defender shield.

With my primary parameters the following (without any arts):
Attack: 4 (All Hunter's guild)
Defence: 1 (All Laborer's guild)
Spell power: 3 (All chosen by me when levelling up)
Knowledge: 3 (2 chosen by me when levelling up, and one comes with DE)
Luck: 0
Morale: 1

With arts (the ones I've mentioned before):
Attack: 5 (+1 with Combat staff)
Defence: 4 (+3 with Defender Shield)
Spell power: 6 (+3 with Combat staff, Wizard cap and Cape of Spirits)
Knowledge: 3
Luck: 1 (+1 with Amulet of Luck)
Morale: 1

Also, I don't think there is any more arts within my level that I can gain SP with... I could remove the Amulet of Luck if the others get too expensive to handle for me too.

You are right... Somehow I tought you get 6 points to distribute till level6... my mystake...
You have 2 options then: redistribute that 1 knowledge point to SP, so you'll have 7 SP and 2 knowledge (although 2 knowledge doesn't seems a lot, it's still enough) and than you can choose basic sorcery and basic offense as your talents;
or, leave your stats as they are and take basic sorcery and elemental call as your talents...
If I were you, I would decide for the first option, but both are ok...

get hauberk n increase ur def, there's no point casting spells if ur units r dead. as for troop recruitment get 8 poisoner, 19 minos n 8 liz, exchange those 8 poisoners for 5 rogs if u dont haf them.
I reached level 7, got shrews.. turned to might DE very effective.
I was just wondering at level 7 with the new rings and arts to incrase spell power would Magic DE be better For PVP or Might DE?
especially in this fight:
Dark elf is just after demons at 1-7lvl only when it's magic dark elf. 8lvl never checked but the most use might (if I had more time I would try magic-poisoning build).
Ty for reading.
Since you already bought diamonds to get shrews, I would stick with might. You have got advantage ower the most of other lvl7 players now, because of shrews, but if you switch to magic, you'll lose most of that advantage, cause you should play with max minos than... Although it is true that magic DE is stronger than might DE (without shrews) in PvPs...
I can say, at 7lvl with arts I had:
For me that build is the best, high magic damage & poisoners support. Also if you don't have poisoners then take elemental call + basic endurion for extra spell power so you can deal dmg like i dealt:
what should i put my skill points on?
Read last two pages of this thread and you'll find answers to vemvirs qeustions, who is also lvl6 and wants to be magic DE, like you (according to your current talents)
DE is terrible after the TG update.. Can't even kill half of the caravans w/o rings.
Indeed thiefing has become much harder... My current tactic is min AP caravaning :) I hope in a month or two lossing, they will become reasonable... Accualy, today I won first min AP caravan (but it was a new one...) :)
I keep hearing all kinds of complaints about how the caravans are much harder after the update. I looked into several factions that I ambush with, but it looks like DE is still the faction to use if some players are actually winning with min AP.

Before the update I would lose to half my caravans despite using full arts (with enchanted weapons) as a DE.

Are there any successful level 11+ DE? Suggestions, comments, insights?
What talets should i have for level 8?
@155: that cannot be true i.e. with full arts, your win-loss ratio should be very respectable?
should i be a magical de or melee?
cause i can use poison if i am magical
@158: mage DE is only useful in PvPs/GBs; for hunts, ambushes and quests, might build is still better
Well, I did full arts for the first half of the year. Went as far as I could up to around TG3-4 as a knight, then I switched over to DE to reach TG6. During the summer I started losing as much as I was winning, so I read about the losing to win strategy so many proclaim in the forums. Then I pretty much spent 6 months losing as a demon, barb, and elf while occassionally switching back to DE with full arts. I did see slight (very slight) drops in difficulty after every 100-200 losses. Maybe it's cause I won too much in the first half of the year. One time I counted 47 consecutive TG wins.

Anyway the losing strategy is finally paying off, I no longer lose half my caravans as a full art DE, but before I spent 6 months of caravan losses, it was pretty bad.

I haven't really tried winning in the new TG map. Any suggestions for me to catch up to you? Let's reach TG7 together. :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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