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AuthorNeutrals speak :-)
1~6:[Zombies]: man im stupid
2~11:[DarkMagicain]: hahahhahah good
3~11:[Zombies]: zombies
4~12:[DarkMagicain]: yeah it's you
5~12:[Zombies]: same
6~13:[DarkMagicain]: see that's really stupid!
7~13:[Zombies]: i know
8~14:[DarkMagicain]: o_O
9~14:[Zombies]: aahahha
10~15:[DarkMagicain]: yeah laugh at yrself
11~15:[Zombies]: it could be hard;;)
12~16:*[shikabanehime]: ns, almost lvl 5 ^_^
13~17:[DarkMagicain]: I don't want to be level 5 yet
14~17:[Zombies]: why is that?
15~17:*[shikabanehime]: O_O
16~17:[DarkMagicain]: I will stop when I'm almost reach it
17~18:*[shikabanehime]: why not just reach lvl 5 first and then stop ??
18~18:[DarkMagicain]: for Zombies I have my reasons
19~20:[DarkMagicain]: because in level 5 I can bet 5000 gold
20~21:[DarkMagicain]: so gain more and also lose more
21~21:*[shikabanehime]: so you dont want to over bet you mean XD?
22~21:[DarkMagicain]: but I will loose the record I'm about to have
23~21:[Zombies]: or so you think
24~22:[DarkMagicain]: won 1 million in only level 4
25~22:[DarkMagicain]: that's a record in lordsWM
26~22:[Zombies]: whats your best aza?
27~23:*[shikabanehime]: kk ic
28~23:[DarkMagicain]: once I reach it I'll level up:P
29~24:*[shikabanehime]: ic XD
30~24:[DarkMagicain]: and I'm sooooo close
31~24:[DarkMagicain]: only less than 150k
32~24:*[shikabanehime]: o man hyaken is broke now O_O
33~24:*[shikabanehime]: wow, just need 2 more win XD
34~24:[DarkMagicain]: because I have 43 000 gold loan not yet returned
35~25:[DarkMagicain]: it was bad days
36~25:[Zombies]: can't believe!!!
37~25:[DarkMagicain]: yeah
38~25:[Zombies]: so so many dark elves
39~25:[DarkMagicain]: that's why you didn't see me bet:)
40~25:[Zombies]: u cant play 2 times before me
41~26:*[shikabanehime]: ic
42~26:[DarkMagicain]: for zombies I just did!
43~26:*[shikabanehime]: but you won 90k few hours ago right?
44~27:[DarkMagicain]: no only 72 000 gold
45~27:[Zombies]: sorry can't help you
46~28:*[shikabanehime]: i thought you won a 50ks and 1 40ks
47~30:[DarkMagicain]: anyway
48~30:[Zombies]: it is true look at the racial ability for orcs in the forum
49~30:[DarkMagicain]: the bad days on Roulette are over
50~30:[DarkMagicain]: now I'll go up to 1 million
51~30:*[shikabanehime]: oo
52~31:[DarkMagicain]: this week:)
53~31:[Zombies]: ah ok..
54~33:[DarkMagicain]: bad attack:(
55~33:[Zombies]: thanks for stonskin
56~34:[DarkMagicain]: for zombies I didn't!
57~48:[DarkMagicain]: I win as usual:)<
my multi had this lol


So funny see the whole chat
1~6:[Wolf Riders]: ti v nature bez artov ne mozesh?<

race changing sprites. =O
1~0:[Rebels]: lets rock..
2~0:[HeartBreakkid]: u got it:)
3~0:[Rebels]: rogues ok?
4~0:[HeartBreakkid]: ok to fight:)
5~0:[Rebels]: bowmens
6~0:[HeartBreakkid]: all ready:)
7~0:[Rebels]: i am ready
8~1:[HeartBreakkid]: good
9~1:[Rebels]: (to the other team)
10~3:[HeartBreakkid]: it's my first time to fight Rebels:)
11~3:[Rebels]: bird
12~8:[HeartBreakkid]: u mean Griffin?
13~8:[Rebels]: it means lol)))
14~9:[HeartBreakkid]: WTH
15~9:[Rebels]: move rawk
16~12:[HeartBreakkid]: u are strong
17~12:[Rebels]: jajaj
18~18:[HeartBreakkid]: u win:(
19~18:[Rebels]: our resistance is useless
20~26:[HeartBreakkid]: damn u win:)(
21~26:[Rebels]: yes it seems
22~26:[HeartBreakkid]: :(
23~27:[HeartBreakkid]: u win:(<
1~11:[Modern golems]: hi all
2~12:[HeartBreakkid]: bye akk
3~12:[Modern golems]: what
4~12:[HeartBreakkid]: all
5~12:[Modern golems]: hahahahahahhaaa
6~12:[HeartBreakkid]: typing mistake so what!
7~12:[Modern golems]: ill tell you after battle
8~13:[HeartBreakkid]: ok
9~16:[HeartBreakkid]: what's yr character?
10~16:[Modern golems]: name's omegamon-x
11~17:[HeartBreakkid]: wonder if I'll find you! lolz<

And I found him!!!
Offcourse he is blocked!
I guess Awesomeness was right!
creatures repeat what players have said in battle
1~3:[Royal griffins]: too close
2~4:[HeartBreakkid]: huh!
3~4:[Royal griffins]: sorry lag
4~5:[HeartBreakkid]: okay
5~5:[Royal griffins]: hey ling...whose side r u on
6~9:[HeartBreakkid]: I'm not ling!!!
7~9:[Royal griffins]: barireth?
8~10:[HeartBreakkid]: not that too1
9~10:[Royal griffins]: wew..
10~10:[HeartBreakkid]: !
11~11:[HeartBreakkid]: I'm HeartBreakKid!
12~11:[Royal griffins]: i'm j matthew herter on facebook, if you want to look me up
13~12:[HeartBreakkid]: check mine too on facebook:)<

these 2 players exists in the game!!!
1~0:[Zombies]: die as a man
2~0:[DarkMagicain]: NEVER
3~0:[Zombies]: y nt?
4~0:[DarkMagicain]: never die that is
5~0:[Zombies]: who should i kill rouges or bowmen
6~1:[DarkMagicain]: bowmen are more dangerous since they can shoot arrows
7~1:[Zombies]: golems
8~1:[DarkMagicain]: nah
9~1:[Zombies]: so only gogorilla!
10~3:[DarkMagicain]: don't get it!
11~3:[Zombies]: we done
12~5:[DarkMagicain]: yeah done:)
13~5:[Zombies]: kill skel bowmen
14~7:[DarkMagicain]: where?
15~7:[Zombies]: calgary canada
16~8:[DarkMagicain]: say whatttttttttttttt
17~8:[Zombies]: mind if you go
18~9:[DarkMagicain]: nope
19~9:[Zombies]: o ya
20~11:[DarkMagicain]: shit
21~11:[Zombies]: gracias
22~12:[DarkMagicain]: whose that?
23~12:[Zombies]: some freaking stalker...
24~14:[DarkMagicain]: whose that!
25~14:[Zombies]: some freaking stalker...
26~14:[DarkMagicain]: whose that?
27~14:[Zombies]: some freaking stalker...
28~14:[DarkMagicain]: whose that?
29~14:[Zombies]: some freaking stalker...
30~15:[DarkMagicain]: yep as I espected...
31~15:[Zombies]: fai?
32~16:[DarkMagicain]: all ya computers answer with the same answer everytime
33~16:[DarkMagicain]: no only in this fight!
34~16:[Zombies]: if dark elf n wizard suitable right?
35~16:[DarkMagicain]: but in all fights when I ask whose there?or whose that? the answer is
36~16:[DarkMagicain]: the answer is some freaken stalker...
37~21:[DarkMagicain]: whose that?
38~21:[Zombies]: some freaking stalker...
39~24:[DarkMagicain]: what's his name?
40~24:[Zombies]: ok we have no archers now!!!
41~24:[DarkMagicain]: what's his name?
42~24:[Zombies]: dunno
43~24:[DarkMagicain]: what's his name?
44~24:[Zombies]: dunno
45~25:[DarkMagicain]: what's his name?
46~25:[Zombies]: mrbonzy
47~26:[DarkMagicain]: what's his name?
48~26:[Zombies]: cant remember...
49~26:[DarkMagicain]: for that questions there are too many answers:(
50~26:[Zombies]: esodus is sleeping...
51~27:[DarkMagicain]: whose that?
52~27:[Zombies]: some freaking stalker...
53~27:[DarkMagicain]: hahahh again
54~27:[Zombies]: sorry internet is gone, i come back
55~28:[DarkMagicain]: hi
56~28:[Zombies]: utocnu ti na duchy
57~29:[DarkMagicain]: hi
58~29:[Zombies]: hi all
59~29:[DarkMagicain]: hi
60~29:[Zombies]: poujaa
61~29:[DarkMagicain]: hi
62~29:[Zombies]: hello
63~30:[DarkMagicain]: hi
64~30:[Zombies]: ate ele te alcancar
65~30:[DarkMagicain]: some freaken stalker...
66~31:[DarkMagicain]: whose that?
67~31:[Zombies]: some freaking stalker...
68~31:[DarkMagicain]: some freaking stalker?
69~31:[Zombies]: oooo........
70~37:[DarkMagicain]: hahahahahhahahahahha
71~37:[Zombies]: serang 1
72~38:[DarkMagicain]: hahahahha
73~38:[Zombies]: messed that u[
74~38:[DarkMagicain]: hahaha
75~38:[Zombies]: oh ok
76~38:[DarkMagicain]: ahahha
77~38:[Zombies]: 2 out
78~39:[DarkMagicain]: are you there?
79~39:[Zombies]: hi and sorry my computer crashed
80~39:[DarkMagicain]: are you there?
81~39:[Zombies]: yeah
82~39:[DarkMagicain]: are you there?
83~39:[Zombies]: afk .. away from keyboard
84~39:[DarkMagicain]: are you there?
85~39:[Zombies]: indonesian
86~42:[DarkMagicain]: are you there?
87~42:[Zombies]: hopefully not then u lose
88~44:[DarkMagicain]: are you there?
89~44:[Zombies]: buwaga lge ang imps
90~45:[DarkMagicain]: too many different answers<
Stupid magi thinks were friends , then he thinks were the same person! then he just went insane.

1~12:[Magi]: sup peeps
2~13:[Duckz]: hello
3~13:[Magi]: hiho
4~13:[Duckz]: wats up
5~13:[Magi]: taking a break from reading
6~13:[Duckz]: reading what
7~13:[Magi]: no arts?
8~14:[Duckz]: good book?
9~14:[Magi]: hahadude you attack the zombies
10~14:[Duckz]: what zombies
11~14:[Magi]: or gargoyles
12~14:[Duckz]: what gargoyles..
13~14:[Magi]: dun att
14~14:[Duckz]: ok i wont attack the zombies or garoyels
15~35:[Duckz]: not in a talking mood once u start lossing?
16~36:[Duckz]: Stalker..
17~36:[Magi]: (my other account)
18~38:[Duckz]: wat is ur other account
19~38:[Magi]: the other team
20~40:[Duckz]: ur saying im u?
21~40:[Magi]: beleave man
22~40:[Duckz]: how can i possiable beleave that man
23~44:[Duckz]: lay off the weed imo
24~57:[Duckz]: Gona be a lorekeeper oneday?
25~63:[Duckz]: die..
26~63:[Magi]: hahahaha
27~64:[Duckz]: wats so lol
28~64:[Magi]: hi all
29~65:[Duckz]: insane on death?
30~65:[Magi]: all with art should be decent and leave
31~67:[Duckz]: i have min ap
32~67:[Magi]: kill rouge
33~68:[Duckz]: ur the rogue!
34~68:[Magi]: ok you've got such annoying stone spikes
35~69:[Duckz]: i have earth spikes
36~69:[Magi]: we win anyway
37~70:[Duckz]: cos ur me?
38~70:[Magi]: ioll take wat hes having
39~71:[Duckz]: u wana take some win
40~75:[Duckz]: it comes with a side of ass kicking!
41~77:[Duckz]: bye
42~77:[Magi]: 1st golems then gargy
43~77:[Duckz]: losser..
44~77:[Magi]: you are even spelling it wrong
45~77:[Duckz]: screw u
46~77:[Magi]: back
47~77:[Duckz]: never left
48~77:[Magi]: srry abt the splling mistake
49~77:[Duckz]: pfft now u cant spell
50~77:[Duckz]: DIE
51~77:[Magi]: haha
52~77:[Duckz]: MWAHAH
53~77:[Magi]: this is a little bit unfair don't ye think?
54~77:[Duckz]: YEh
55~77:[Magi]: you boy or girl ?
56~77:[Duckz]: both
57~77:[Magi]: i dont have any problem with that
58~77:[Duckz]: thought so
59~77:[Magi]: there
60~77:[Duckz]: here
61~77:[Magi]: where are your friends?
62~77:[Duckz]: ur m friend
63~77:[Magi]: i lose
64~77:[Duckz]: indeed
65~77:[Magi]: and i accidntly didnt arrange troops
66~77:[Duckz]: how did u manage that
67~77:[Magi]: bowmen have the volley ability
68~77:[Duckz]: and demons can gate
69~77:[Magi]: nop necro own
70~78:[Duckz]: lol necro suck
71~78:[Magi]: hello
72~78:[Duckz]: heya
73~78:[Magi]: who afk
74~78:[Duckz]: u are
75~78:[Magi]: and kill
76~78:[Duckz]: kill u?
77~78:[Magi]: kill rogues
78~78:[Duckz]: wat rogues
79~78:[Magi]: wan me kill who
80~78:[Duckz]: kill the rogues
81~78:[Magi]: atk wolfhounds
82~78:[Duckz]: :D
83~79:[Duckz]: they did. they pwn u
84~80:[Duckz]: u dead now <
1~0:[Lorekeepers]: cryptic
2~17:[HeartBreakkid]: I win hahahah!
3~17:[Lorekeepers]: i think your calculations are wrong
4~18::[HeartBreakkid]: it's Destiny you fool!<
1~0:[Guardians]: wohoo!!! somebody who isnt a necromancer!
2~2:[HeartBreakkid]: ok!
3~16:[HeartBreakkid]: sorry
4~16:[Guardians]: no!!!
5~17:[HeartBreakkid]: I said sorry:(
6~17:[Guardians]: just a loser
7~18:[HeartBreakkid]: say whattttttttttttttttt!
8~18:[Guardians]: sorry, dced
9~19:[HeartBreakkid]: no worries
10~19:[Guardians]: i have a porblem of my mouse, it double click sometimes<
[HeartBreakkid]: I win!
[Demons]: good game
[HeartBreakkid]: the game has finished before it even started!!
Topic moved from "Creative works" to "Off-game forum".

no comments
[Clerics]: a lataque
Liches deal 92 damage to Clerics. 1 perish.
[Jeverag]: what is that?
[Clerics]: take 5000. you have helped me a lot
Skeletal bowmen deal 125 damage to Clerics. 1 perish.
[Jeverag]: wow, thx
[Clerics]: hehe

https://www.lordswm.com/battlechat.php?warid=16940873 some crazy skeletal bowmen
They got increased IQ!!!!They make sense mostly now =P
dont get it :)
1~4:[Orcs]: ooo!
2~5:[DarkMagicain]: hahahha
3~5:[Orcs]: i didnt get my troops right
4~7:[DarkMagicain]: :)<
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