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AuthorLosing battles intentionally should be stopped
"If Ethereality decided to start gaining experience it would be very easy for him now. He would win all battles against level 1-2 (even some level 3) players now, when he is level 3 he would win all battles against levels 3-4 and so on. He wouldn't even need any arts or mini-arts!"

With his activity any player needs 4-6 days to get to combat level 5, he can do it in maybe 3 days now after working 2.5 months to prepare himself... That is not very time efficient. And after CL 5-6 his side-faction skill points ( not current one ) will mean nothing ( unless he spends 2 more months to get every faction to 5-6 ). The only thing he can do is maybe win a tournament at low levels.
For Jabbar:
What matters is FSP gained/ time spent and my method gives 10% more FSP
You still don't get the idea, don't you?
Listen to what you are saying:
level 9 player has 10% more FSP than level 1 player!

Shouldn't you have 10 times more FSP? Or at least 5 times? Or at least twice?
For Robai:

So what? My point is those FSP he has are worthless compared to the amount of time he spends to get them. He has no fun, he has 0 power, he has 0 fighting experience , the only thing he has gained so far is the ability to level fast to combat level 5-6 ( which takes 1-2 weeks for a fresh player ) , the ability to switch factions at will without getting nerfed ( that's the only thing that would make this whole thing have a point ) and the increased potential to maybe win a low level tournament ( though i would pretty much bet on Wild_Shooter if they faced each other since FSPs on your primary faction matter a LOT more than FSPs on other factions ). I wouldn't really spend 2.5 months to do that thing on any game considering the average time a gamer spends playing a particular online game is at most 1 year ( I play online games a lot since 1999 and i have a lot of experience regarding this last statement's truth ).
For Jabbar:
he has 0 power
He has the biggest power in this server from my point of view, because he will make good records and win tournaments.

FSPs on your primary faction matter a LOT more than FSPs on other factions
But Ethereality will not level up until he will have very high level in one of the factions (my guess is that he will raise all his faction levels to 5 and then will make himself a wizard of level 8 (or 9) and only then he will level up).

he has 0 fighting experience
Previuosly he played as Armonicos (level 6), so he actually has some fighting experience.

Getting records is one of the main goals in the game for sure. But getting global records is far more important that getting low level records.
Yes, Global records is very honorable when you make a record there being in LOWER levels. But if you are there just because you have highest combat level and kill more just because you have a greater army isn't an achievement at all (from my point of view).

Is combat experience an achievement?
No, because you don't have to have any brains for that. Actually it is some sort of achievement, like Laborers' guild level (more times you enroll, more points you get - no brains needed at all for that).

But I understand you. As you said, you play for fun and you play one game no more than 1 year. Then I wish you good luck and have fun.

And I understand why such losers as Ethereality or Wild_Shooter don't concern you at all, because at the time they will reach high level you will be gone.

But I don't understand why you think that players, who lose 99% of battles (vs tiny monsters) should get big amount of FSP? Or you don't think so?

How about new players?
They have no chance vs such losers, even with diamonds (PvP or record PvM).
Still don't think that the faction level should be limited?

I understand that players who have played this game long time should be more powerful than others, but:
1) not too powerful, new players should have a chance
2) not by losing, only by wining!
i think your just afraid your name will be wiped from the hunter records...
who cares...
and about the tournaments... there are only like 2 tournaments a year..... who cares...
as long as they do only hunts no one cares bcz no one fight against them in duels
Please, don't spam on this forum.
If you have nothing to say, then don't say anything.
is he spamming ? really ? he just tell that there is not that much people that take benefit of this flaw. and the most I think from your post, figthing so much about it is that your are just jaelous of not having be able to do the same.
after level 6, you can manage to have a fight every 20 minutes (assisting, hunt, mercenary guild), I said level 6 because at CL5, MG is still hard.
let people play the way they like, Jabbar and Grusharaburas showed that it was pointless to loose lot of battle, as the time spent is too much for the gain compared to someone who play "in a more normal way".
the game is far much interesting at level 5 that level 1, when you have to develop strategies against every kind of monster you can encounter.
and by the way, I agree that loose a green hunt as more skill than winning some yellow/red ones :)
and by the way, I agree that loose a green hunt as more skill than winning some yellow/red ones :)
One more spammer, but this time without any logic ...

Jabbar and Grusharaburas showed that it was pointless to loose lot of battle
They didn't show anywhere why losers should get a big amount of FSP.

your are just jaelous of not having be able to do the same.
I'm not jealous! Anyone (in any level) can start losing battles and gain big amount of FSP. But should they?

let people play the way they like
oh common, how many times I have to repeat this:
Let them lose a many times as they wish, but don't give them too much power.
Jabbar and Grusharaburas showed that it was pointless to loose lot of battle
And why do you lose so much recently?
got you :)
"But if you are there just because you have highest combat level and kill more just because you have a greater army isn't an achievement at all (from my point of view)."

The bigger army you have, the more options you get = the fights become more complex and quite hard ( talking about red, red! ones ). On lower levels you got simpler options. Therefore records on higher records are far more valuable than records in lower levels ( lower level records are based on stats more than skill, while higher level records got a higher skill element due to the complexity ). Same goes for tournaments, winning on higher level needs far higher amounts of skill than in lower levels.

"But Ethereality will not level up until he will have very high level in one of the factions (my guess is that he will raise all his faction levels to 5 and then will make himself a wizard of level 8 (or 9) and only then he will level up)."

At this rate he is gaining skill points, he will start levelling sometime in 2010 if he goes for level 5 in all factions + 8 in primary. By that time game might not exist or changed so dramatically that all this trouble will be pointless. World of Warcraft, the best online game ever created in the industry is now dying slowly after 3.5 years ( expansion will revive it for a few months maybe then its Starcraft 2 era ) and you think it's a good plan to prepare for 1.5 YEAR before yous start levelling in an unofficial game made by a few people?! Don't get me wrong this game is highly based on skill and very well made considering the circumstances, but it's still on a beta-style version and doing all this preliminary work just assumes too much.
For Jabbar:
The bigger army you have, the more options you get = the fights become more complex and quite hard
Yes, but in lower levers only a small mistake can lead you to death.

you think it's a good plan to prepare for 1.5 YEAR before yous start levelling in an unofficial game made by a few people?!
It depends no your style. If your goal is to become powerful and you are crazy enough to sacrifice your real life then it is ok. :)
Otherwise, if you want to play this game only several months (and have some fun) then I don't think it is a good idea to prepare for something a whole gaming time and then quit. :)

I see three types of players:
1) Players, who want to play this game fast and have fun fast. Naturally they want to get combat experience fast.
2) Players who want to be as powerful as they can and they prefer to play slow game. Such players don't want to get experience.
3) Players, who want to get FSP so fast (I mean big FSP/CL ratio) that they agree to lose 99% of their battles, even vs tiny monsters. Such players also don't want to get experience, because they want to be too powerful vs players in the same combat level.

Why this game allows 3rd type of players? Why give them so much power? Why new players can't be the best players because of this? Why new players with diamonds also have no chance?

Losing battles shouldn’t be awarded well by FSP, at least not losing vs tiny monsters.
You can prepare yourself in many ways, but losing shouldn't be a way!
I'm sorry Shimuni, I didn't think that you really tried to win those battles (I didn't look at the numbers carefully).
My apologies.

But I still don't understand what you mean by this:
I agree that loose a green hunt asked more skill than winning some yellow/red ones :)
Do you mean this:
1) I agree that losing a green hunt should give you more skill points than winning some yellow/red ones :)
or this:
2) I agree that losing a green hunt should give you less skill points than winning some yellow/red ones :)
or this:
3) I agree that losing a green hunt should give you less skill points than losing some yellow/red ones :)

1) is absurd,
2) or 3) is normal thinking.

I suggest this:
losing a white/green hunt should give you 0 skill points,
losing yellow hunt should give you 0.02 point (if you kill 95%-99% of them, 0.01 if you kill at least 50%),
losing red hunt should give you 0.05 point (if you kill 95%-99% of them, 0.04 if you kill 80%, 0.03 if 60%, 0.02 if 40%, 0.01 if 20%),
losing red exclamation hunt should give you 0.1 point (if you kill 95%-99% of them, 0.09 if 90%, 0.08 if 80%, etc.)
winning any hunt (alone) should give you 0.5 skill point (as it is now)

No more easy skill points!
What do you think of that?
first, I did not try to win those battle, but tried to kill most of monster possible, quite a challenge ;) but sometimes you just know if the battle is lost.
for my sentence, I did talked about "skill" and not "faction skill points", you need to be quite dexterous in order to loose a battle you should win on the paper, keep a track of units that retaliate and kill just enough to finish the hunt with 0.4 points.

for your suggestion, let just the developpers think for a solution, I don't think we could agreed on something.
leave the easy skill points, if someone loose a green battle that do not disturb me, the point of leveling in this game is to handle battle at a different stage, more tactics to develop. if someone spent 6 months raising faction points on a game that is not ensure to stay for several years ... no, it is definitely not my problem.

so I write it again, take this advice :
just ignore these players, and when a black list will be available, just put them in if you don't want to meet them in battle and that's all ! enjoy the other aspects of the game! ;)
and do some quests to raise your faction skill ! ( I can't try really on level 5, but I am sure it is pleasant enough to get the points you need)
for Robai:

They didn't show anywhere why losers should get a big amount of FSP.
Losers don't get big amount of faction points. Do the math. Jabbar earned more faction points per battle than Etheriality and he did that not by intentionally losing but by having fun. The reason why Etheriality has tons of faction points is because he spends a hell of a lot of time playing the game. Check his combat logs. I count 44 battles for October 26. Consider that the losing style caps your maximum battle rate at 3 battles per hour. He played at least 14 hours on that day alone.

2) Players who want to be as powerful as they can and they prefer to play slow game. Such players don't want to get experience.
3) Players, who want to get FSP so fast (I mean big FSP/CL ratio) that they agree to lose 99% of their battles, even vs tiny monsters. Such players also don't want to get experience, because they want to be too powerful vs players in the same combat level.

There's no real distinction between these two kinds of players. They are both the same. They are both level campers. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Let them lose a many times as they wish, but don't give them too much power.
They aren't. They shoot themselves in the foot by not gaining anything else besides faction points. Why can't you get that into your head?
I think this topic was created not to find a way to punish those losers, but to find a better (more honourable) way to increase your FSP without gaining too much experience. There are many players who want to stay low level, make more hunts, make new hunt records, etc. This is fun for some players. And the best way to achieve that in this game is by loosing battles. That is the problem.

Now most of the hunt records are made by those players who started to play this game earlier.
What about new players? They can't beat those records anymore, because they are too hard. The only way to achieve this is to increase your FSP. And the easiest way to increase your FSP is to lose (hunt assists are very rare). This is not right. Winning should be better way than losing.

I think training room is the best solution. Than anyone could increase their FSP if they decided too, even Jagger. (At level 9 he only has Wizard level 7. That's not much, in my opinion.)
for Cipukas:
Winning should be better way than losing.

"Winning" and "losing" are relative terms that have nothing to do with game mechanics. What "should" and what "shouldn't" are subjective matters. Besides, there's nothing stopping the anyone (new or old players) from doing the same if they really want to put their names on the leaderboards. How hard is it to create a new account?
for Grusharaburas:

Besides, there's nothing stopping the anyone (new or old players) from doing the same if they really want to put their names on the leaderboards. How hard is it to create a new account?

So, if you want to beat some hunt records (not global ones, but say, at level 5), the only way to achieve that for a new player is to create a new account and start losing?

Because without high FSP it will be very difficult to beat those level 5 hunt records now, because they are too hard already. In other words, no fun in this area for newcommers. Either you have to become the biggest loser, or no records.

You think this is normal? Why don't you like training room idea, do you really think that would be less normal way to increase FSP than losing?
for Cipukas:
Either you have to become the biggest loser, or no records.

"Losing" doesn't always mean that you're weak, "winning" doesn't necessarily mean you're strong. Get over it.

You think this is normal? Why don't you like training room idea, do you really think that would be less normal way to increase FSP than losing?

I haven't said anything about the training room idea but from what I've read it seems like an idea to make earning faction points easier. That's not a good thing. I like the game mechanic as it is right now. It makes unorthodox play style like "losing" possible. I like variety.
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