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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
I don't think I'm all that far behind, and I have premium image for Tribal too. So no excuses.
I'm annoyed that I'm just not facing any of those top players.
Maybe they are all tired of red-demons too. Or because matchups are weird and I don't get to face them.
Or maybe they all leveled up recently
47k gold for playing 4 random ST games, amazing.
Record for Marauders from yesterday.
8 mana from spirit link skeletal bowmen death, 9 mana to raise them back!
That's insane value for raise dead.
VV, here's a fight against a charmer for you https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1500126918
Lesson for the future is that you want to get your troops as far ahead as possible, without getting trapped by trees. Then you can kill one stack of sharpshooters every hero turn, by performing lessons of history.
Another lesson is to try and get your trappers rooted by trees though I failed in doing it this game. That's the strategy I employ against TDEs, by focusing on spiders to get rooted and build spirit.
for ProZyk:
400k marauders and only 11k exp, that is one way I guess of limiting the negative ratios. I got more exp for 2000 women corsairs. Seriously impressive, but not my cup of tea.
Yeah, I'll pass on that...
Loong game to beat Necro as tribal. Tanking without being allowed to defend.
And I finally cross 1300 (I think).
Aight, I'm done with Tribal.
Red Demon time. I suspect this is gonna tank my ELO back to 1200 very quick.
What's the rounding rule for gating? I'll probably have to do some calculations to decide the right number of pit demons, with/out extensive gating.
I take that back. Might red demon is plenty strong. Will take a while to get used to the chaos though.
Kinda nuts that I can replace 20 dead horses with 8 pit demons, right in the enemy's face.
And I can have up to 6 stacks of pit demons, each casting disruption 4 times. So much potential.
They finally integrated with CloudFlare!? Or has it been so for a while and I've just never paid attention to it.
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