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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
for Rengar:
Link pls
Well sun guards have finally been dethroned in terms of mc rating
It just facility transfer -.-
To who?
Sun gaurds to legion of sun.
And what about facilities 928 already had?

I think they had to force transfer them because gs was getting attacked and they no longer had PvP players(928 have them all now)
I have a cl7 cg partner with just 2 defense! Did they remove min ap requirements for lower level cg? Cuz he barely has any arts on
I thought all playable creatures were introduced to LeG already, but apparently not Paladins! https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=paladin
If you right-click on the player's name and tap on more info, you can see their equipped arts. Not quite a full set on this one, he is missing a few slots. But the low def was probably because he was using rings that give -1 defense each in exchange for 10% more initiative.
Saw some weird AI behavior yesterday in an EOFO.
Enemy DoF AI decided fireball my behemoths alone, when it could fireball behemoth + cyclop or behemoth + ogres.
In fact, this happened like 4 times in that game, where AI chose the clearly weaker option. Hard to reason why it would do so.
Looks like things are heating up between MCs
PvP is so painful
PvP is easy part, diplomatic and negotiation is difficult
I go into every CG game with the assumption that I'll lose. It helps a little (but not really).
PvP is so fun
I remember might wiz being decent, getting my ass kicked every game rn ...
3rd place, 1.2 cg points yet only 1.44 fsp points!?
I guess running around is not a great strat after all.
Also demon and BW time in EOFO.
Peak EOFO Fun: Navigating the final standoff.

3 players left who were allies so far.
Me (Mage BW with DOF) only lodestones
Red Demon 70% army alive
Mage DE 70% army alive.

both of them can take on me in a 1v1. Any 2 can crush 1.
Yet I convince them that the one that one to land the first hit on me goes third. So they kill each other :D

Boy did I miss this.
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