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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
If the fat monsters of today took a 1 year vacation, they could dominate every MT because no one will ever again be as strong as they are now.
But what would be the point of that
What is the point of anything
What is the point of anything
The bit with the smallest area.......
The point of life? Good question!!
Why do I delete my js scripts every time I leave the game :(
I barely even know JS, so I need to relearn it from scratch every time.
Don't you leave the game as a result of being named for using illegal scripts?
I was fined, I donated and paid it back.
But that was illegal scripts for guilds.
I still wrote tons of legal scripts, that are qol improvements. Like enroll is 1 button rather than 3 buttons. etc
What I need to create now is a script to keep skipping hunts till I find the +5HG ones. Then alert me.
I already had one back in the day to identify "easy hunts" that could be mirrored. Just gotta rewrite that.
Fair enough, I do not know enough about scripts to know which are legal and which not. My understanding is probably way out of date as the only time I used any was with greasemonkey way back when and there was a small handful of approved scripts and all others were illegal until officially approved, irrespective of their use.
What I need to create now is a script to keep skipping hunts till I find the +5HG ones. Then alert me.
I already had one back in the day to identify "easy hunts" that could be mirrored. Just gotta rewrite that

Yeah no, that's just asking for a ban/block. Cleary now you as stated it is your goal.

Only scripts vetted with admin are OK to use. Others are not. Def not the one where you auto skip hunts while being afk and waiting for a "ping". I mean, comon dude?
The admins look the other way on most scripts, unless it's automating combat / captchas and the like.
"Officially approved by admins" isn't a thing anymore.
The way I see it, they want to add these features, but don't have the resources to do so themself. And that's understandable.
Can these scripts be used on an iphone(safari)
Who knows. There was a post once on scripts with phone but I wouldn't know. I use my phone for nothing other than authentication.
You have been finned twice for automatic scripts. You clearly have not learned. Its your account ^^
I mean, it's merely a game. Can't care all that much.
You have been finned twice for automatic scripts. You clearly have not learned

Admins work in mysterious ways, they allowed venom to transfer his uci from main to secondary account when both were in a military clan, having transfers and doing clan battles together. On the other hand they are fining poor prozyk for auto skipping hunts :D
I was doing more than auto skipping hunts though :p
Fined twice in span of 3 days. Cuz I can't be stopped.
No matter, Arcanide removes posts that talk about this.
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