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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
lik nd Hewrin nice avatars....

who made it? =] =] :o :p
for Akshat_mittal02:
Coolahed did. Why? Hes not making any more avatars though I dont know why.
akshat, check my album !!!!!!!!!!! u want avatars ?!!? its just 750 gold !!!

huh come on tell me hew !! im a big boy too !!!!
hope he will start making again.. xD
for Goku_30:
Roflmao very childish of you to admit yourself as a big boy xD

for Akshat_mittal02:
Why? Yawwana get one from him? I doubt it. Hes so great in roulette now he has no time for avatars
no Thanx....i have my avatar...
hmm k .... :S

hew, is it abt girlz and porn or wat ?! tats nothin for me man !
grats on winning roul. Now return my loan!!!

500 Akshat_mittal02 Split 10, 11 9,000
500 Akshat_mittal02 Split 11, 12 9,000
4,000 Akshat_mittal02 Straight up 11 144,000
for Goku_30:
or wat =DD
idk im askin u !
u tell me dude !!!
no thanx []
for Goku_30:
Its best you dont know
hew : i want to kno and hav to kno now !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ill notify you by pm than :P
k np !!! ^^
hahahahahahha looooooooooolz
roflmao, when I was in chat, someone privated me..this guy really made me laugh..

13:35:04 [!Empiret]private to MrPotato: I block your character

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