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Author5000 messages w00t
*shoots Awesomeness* no one posts here
i shall get 1234... well probuably not
1234 Here i come!!!! darn 60 second wait timer... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
does this count as flood and/or spam? 1234 1234!!!! 1234!!!
*shoots DeasprateDesire* =p
dang, i got shot...or did i?

uses time machine to travel back in time, catches the bullet and throws it at lukeman with such force that he collapses onto the ground in agony, while i laugh :)
lol =D
Your all silly -_-
yup, i had a little too much sugar this morning xD
*shoots everybody not posting and waiting for 1233 to come up >.>*
gonna get hectic soon! =D

lets watch every1 post at once (hopefully)


1234 is MINE!!!
*shoots awesomeness again*
*grabs it again but this time eats it, gets indigestian and dies o.O*
i win =p
aww ^.^
unless..... *uses his time machine again and shoots lukeman first*

HA! check and mate
only 3761 or so posts left :D
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