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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Is it a bug sometimes ?
I see a player went offline at 9:58 AM
And I see he has betted when the ball spinning at 10:10 AM
How ?

Well the offline time is not 100% accurate unless you click 'logout'... if you don't and just simply close the tab then it will show you online for a while and then give an estimated offline time, which is generally a little behind the actual offline time from what I have noticed, so the guy probably had bet right at 10:00 and then went offline.
All right ! :)
Give me a good element..
No they are not :(
Haha they hate you xD
I want 1/0 gold :
Reputation: 10

status: Grateful villagers collected the resources, and the royal bursar himself delivered them here.

You receive 89 gold

Seriously annoying now..
no one floods :(
Or maybe you flood too much?
Or maybe you flood too much?
Omg Burnnn xD hahaha
I want 1/0 gold :
That makes no sense, kinda means you want to get blocked :P
1/0 is undefined, not infinite :P

Let n be the numerator and d be the denominator.
n/d = x

1/0 = x
1 = 0x

Now in 1=0x no matter what kind of value you substitute for x the statement will be incorrect.
You might argue you can insert 1/0 for x, in which case:
1 = 0(1/0)
Although this equation makes no sense, even if you simplify it to get 1 = 1, x would be 1/0, therefore you will fall under a loop.

PS: If you are wondering why I made this post, I'm just bored xD
Or maybe you flood too much?
I flood too less.. what you want flood one post in a day ?? -_-

for randomr1:
I consider it other way
Many time we consider things in Physics like in Binomial Expansion higher negative powers neglected so they are taken nearly zero.
So I consider a no. say 10^-infinity thats nearly zero but if you divide 1/0
0 - is the no. i assumed here so you get infinity :)
chill man.
This kind of itches so i need to post this.

for randomr1:

Did u just say 1=0(1/0) implies 1=1 ? Did u just imply 0/0=1 ??
Are u THAT bored??
Although this equation makes no sense
even if you simplify it

"even if"
That's an assumption. Obviously he knows but for the sake of explaining something else he took that as an assumption.
They should add an exemption for CoC as well :/
"even if"
That's an assumption. Obviously he knows but for the sake of explaining something else he took that as an assumption.

Phew someone got me xD

Did u just say 1=0(1/0) implies 1=1 ? Did u just imply 0/0=1 ??
Are u THAT bored??

So 1=0(1/0)... one way to simplify would be to say 1=0(1)/0 or 1=0 which makes no sense.
What I wanted to imply(which still doesn't make any sense however) was that one way to look at it might be 1=x(1/x) which comes to 1=1 as the x's divide out. The x in our case of course represents 0.

This itself might be illogical, but not completely as in calculus when you divide by delta x approaching 0 it's basically the same as the equation I posted, where simply substituting a 0 would result in 0/0, but dividing out delta x, or 0, results in a slightly more logical solution.

The biggest flaw in the equation is not the fact that if you multiply by 0 first you get 1=0, which is still a flaw, but the most obvious flaw is the fact that in the original equation 1=0x we are substituting x with 1/0, whereas 1/0 is exactly what we are trying to prove the meaning for, therefore it's a loop that doesn't make any sense. It's like someone asked you what "marine" means and you reply by saying "it means marine".
or 1=0 which makes no sense.
I meant 1=0/0 there.
So I consider a no. say 10^-infinity thats nearly zero but if you divide 1/0
0 - is the no. i assumed here so you get infinity :)

Sorry but it doesn't make sense :P
In calculus they have a logic behind it, delta x is not EXACTLY 0, however in your case we are talking about the exact value of 0.
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