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Author[Military Clan] #9595 Immortal Dynasty
*Puts away lotion and hose*
Not the best way to start a fresh page igles my old boy
Exactly, should start it off by putting on the lotion and hose :p
Not sure what kind of operation I'm running here anymore. Join if you're interested in being part of a clan making progress, with plenty opportunities to get involved. However you should clearly also apply if you are a depraved soul
another one bites the plus
*lubing intensifies*
Here to deliver a "+", it's what the cool kids do to get to the front of the line...

We don’t do that here
we deliver knowledge, usually strapped to merlin
Thanks to Hapko and Clan for Event Rewards. Help me buy a new shiny sword.
Thanks to Hapko and Clan for the spicy feet pics (again). They say only the first is free but Immortal Dynasty’s generosity says otherwise.
Not only the pics but we have entire videos on our Youtube channel. The most entertaining videos you will ever see.
We need to start thinking about who will get to keep the YouTube plaque when we hit 100k subscribers
its simple...

we fight for it
Thanks to the minor tournament the clan has enabled all stat bonuses
ah yes the "Minor" tournament
Thanks to Merlin and the clan for the bonuses. :D
for yashu12323:
Now fight the pve defs to recover the bg cost kek
Can i Join ?
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