Author | Settlement defense |
Towers do not scale with combat level, meanwhile enemies do. As such towers can firm a very significant effect. This effect is increased due to the cost of repairing then, which means past a certain threshold they are very powerful. At lower levels this is more significant. It is similar with cannons, however these towers are easier to defend than cannons, have better upgrades and have a repair cost |
As such it would make sense to change the dynamic to redress the balance a touch. For example having the towers defence start increase in the same way the attack does or else a way of increasing there initiative |
When events are lacking sense, the best thing to do it seems not play it. The admins do whatever they want while the yes-men keep demonizing any critique while going 'yes, may I please have another bowl of this slob nonsense of an event'.
I have seen what a level 20 wizard gets as AI enemies on his 48th battle with pouplation of over 4k while I have allready faced those same AI numbers at 20th battle as darkelf with just a population slightly under 2k. I'm guessing I'll see triple those AI numbers at 48th if not quadruple. So certain factions difficulty is set as way less than others and yet they call it a competition. Since the admin adjusts it like this then this means the factions are all out of balance. |
Fun interaction. Dont know how admins could possibly spaghetti this code.
Towers can shoot even if there is an adjacent enemy. In a scenario, where an Assault unit (lizard assailants/chargers) are adjacent to an enemy stack, and that same stack is adjacent to the watchtower, if the watchtower shoots him, assaulter will also strike that enemy. This could be normal, but what bothered me, is that when you have double shot, they only assault after first shot, rather than both (unlike minotaur double strike for example). This interaction happened 2 times in my one battle so its consistent. |
Your result:
Population: 3,523
Resources: 355
Victories / Combats: 62 / 72
Found parts of "Imperial ring": 31
Event sucks but at least I got past 60. Hopefully I can get 12 more parts for my second ring |
Population: 3,103
Resources: 362
Victories / Combats: 71 / 72
Happy enough, upgraded turrets in the wrong way, spent too much boosting endurance of the first tower when it kept getting destroyed when I should have build a second one. This did not help keep hold of peasants which in the middle of the event were getting killed regularly.
Much better score than last time I did this event though. |
Your result:
Population: 6,938
Resources: 45
Victories / Combats: 72 / 72
Found parts of "Imperial ring": 31
This is my first time playing the event and I would have had 7300 population if I knew what Dwarf Retribution Strike Rune did (I didn't know such a rune existed and it cost me big in one battle).
My character is level 11 but on first try almost got 7300 which would have put me in top 100 for sure I bet... |
Your result:
Population: 5,749
Resources: 566
Victories / Combats: 69 / 72
Found parts of "Imperial ring": 31
could have avoided 1 maybe 2 losses...all in all happy with the event |
i am not sure about others, but for future reference in this event, i would take first tower and upgrade it and use it....then build up resources first before you take 2nd tower so you can literally take 2nd tower and upgrade to max.
at end i had 4 towers (level 28 damage was highest) and they could kill most stacks as long as your melee troops kept other troops busy. |
I got sky shamans for 60th win. |
with second acc lost some farmers sadly
Your result:
Population: 7,172
Resources: 719
Victories / Combats: 72 / 72 |
my results "SO FAR"
Your result:
Population: 1,924
Resources: 758
Victories / Combats: 27 / 33
and you all are complaining about difficulty level lol |
Your result:
Population: 7,295
Resources: 749
Victories / Combats: 72 / 72 |
Wow, that's amazing, great work |
Amins look what u've don to high lvls, its lry s u c k s |
How can the enemy get so much morale with +1 with the hero -
Dumb event :P
Takes 4 fights to gain 360 population and 1 fight to loose it all, can we have some balances to it ?
or do we need to make alternate accounts and keep them low level to enjoy an event ? |
for Ursa:
Probably doesnt help you're using tribal without faction potion and cheap arts. |
b i t c h please .... Player banned by moderator Meshy until 2019-05-27 21:17:19 // FR 4.4 / foul language - warning |
for Ursa:
show replay so i can see what you used to fail so hard |
for Meshy: f43b7a1ad61da96871b05e9bc1a1_1200x1200.jpg%3Fv%3D1547043701& -bitch-please-i-m-so-fcking-fabulous-i-pee-glitter-microfiber-duvet-cover&docid=cxWf3fVgFokOIM&tbnid=6YgBTsFxrq- GGM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwispIjutLziAhWQblAKHUJKD0wQMwhjKB0wHQ..i&w=1200&h=1200&client=firefox-b-d&bih=755& amp;biw=1440&q=bitch%20please&ved=0ahUKEwispIjutLziAhWQblAKHUJKD0wQMwhjKB0wHQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 Player banned by moderator Meshy until 2019-05-28 22:19:51 // FR 4.4 / foul language |