Author | 5 words story. |
and puissance killed him nicely |
and so, puissance was killed |
thief comes back from dead! |
and eats and drinks nicely |
after the drink he sleeps |
during sleep, he is killed |
he is fedup being killed :| |
and roams around as ghost |
then catches a person and.. |
comes back alive once again! |
and goes and gets settled.. |
and finds a nice wife |
who kills him when having |
dinner and leaves with his..... |
fortune and gets caught by |
a froggy humanoid that takes |
a big chance to fight with legendary poster acron!And..... |
a big chance to fight with legendary poster acron!And.....
U must use only 5words..
Someone continue from Post #136 |
Ok froggy!
A chance to fight Acron!....... |
and kills Acron ver well :D |