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AuthorNecromancer faction topic: discussion, tactics, logs
For Kratos

If you meant by : If you want to counter elves join groups ! Do Group Battles. I say no, this game reward the player more at doing things solo. SP ratio is not so good in Group Battle.

Why would people force to do group battle cause they choose Necromancer ?
How can i increase my max skeleton archers ? Mine seems to be stuck at 60. And i have seen lvl 5 Necs ... has 100 archers.
Pls help ... thank you
When you increase your Faction Skill, you will be able to increase the n=maximum number of extra skeletons you can bring into battle. You must of course HAVE enough skeletons in your reserve.

You're at Necro faction level 3 (134.92) +25.1. Just gain 25.1 more Faction npoint and you'll be able to add more skeletons from your reserve. Read Necromancy on this page:
https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=38 .
Once you reach Faction 4, you will be able to deploy 15 more skeletons
For Dan
I didnt force you to do group battles!And you were wrong GB brings most SP in this game,while doing things like hunts/non-mosnter mercs brings most EXP!
The best XP, SP ratio is Monster Merc (you were right)
and Ambushes (1 creature or no creature human player)

For time consuming vs sp ratio, its better to do Ambushes. Im stinking to that then. Thanks Kratos
Thank you for the advise. Appreciate it.

Any experienced lvl 10 necros??

I wonder which talents they prefer to use?
Kratos, you can also have an idea by looking at top player list. Check out there.
Hey guys i recently turned lvl 5 and took basic erudition as a talent. Is that a good talent? Also, how many skill points do you get every lvl and what should i take as i progress?
you will get another 5 points next level and I see you put the point in knowledge, that's good. next level you can either go with a

Basic Erud+Spirit link,
Basic Nature+Spirit link, or
Basic Dark+dominion of mind/curse.
how can i raise skeletons of the enemy into my own army?
hi i became lv8 so i was trying the magic necro to use mass poison and i wanted to ask how much i putt my sp so the poison become effective
Posion build is great fun to play, I had 5 points in knowledge and rest in spellpower, with arts you can get 14 spellpower giving you 72 posion dmg.
and u cant defeat bar2, wiz & necro with poison build
what does spirit link, basic dark and nature do?
oh whoops, posted with alt for your answer dragonfire.

spirit link gives you 1 mana for every 75 damage to a chosen stack
basic dark and dom of mind/curse just gives you better dark magic and gives mass effects to the selected spells. nature makes you raise dead and magic punch better.
Hi to all!
Whats going on in this topic now?
Not much oh Great Set_Sveta :)

Theres not a lot of Necromancer to start with at higher level :)
^^ How 'bout starting as necro at high level? Is that a bad idea? :)
for Ranor:
Poison is just good against Elves (with low HPs) they will die very very fast, also Knights and DEs ^^ but do not forget to aim the Sprites and the elvens first, elvens coz the will do much damages, and Sprites coz of the Removal of Curse magic, that will make ur poison be USELESS :)

Against Barbarians coz they have very high magic resist, wizards coz almost of their troops are not living creatures, and the magis ALWAYS have earlier turns than ur hero, and for Undead, no DEad Bodies can be poisoned, they are already all dead :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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