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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
remember that ability to use magic means less att or def every round !

yeah, remember that invest a few to Sp and Kn can greatly boost your atk or def stats for a short duration which enough to chop your opponents off
is it worthy to invest points on sp and knowledge only for crossbowmen thought it's the only long range knights have until we get monks
hey thanks for all this information o fknights but i have a problem where to buy diamonds plz i want to buy diamonds
and plzdont block me for asking
Go to the character tab and click on the right side on 'donate'.
thanks tigerclaw
what is the best talents for lvl 8 knight?
for poornamer:
What for? They're different for PvP/HG/MG/TG. There is no 'best' talents.
um, for thief, most importantly
and merc quest
for poornamer:
TG - two most popular types:
att+battle fury.
In both cases Escort musthave for killing tons of faeries/shrews/etc

Merc - depends.
For monsterkilling luck+max xbows would be fine, imho
escort is best talent

Monsters - last breathe(not sure if can but if can't dun), luck+max x-bows, if raids, I recommend max guards
Last breath - avaliable at +13lvl, not at 8))
Escort seems to be abit hard to use in PvP, i am just noob. But if they do not hit ur escorted unit, then it is wasted. Any tips for \noobs like me?
for Lord_Alpha:
Well, you're right, it's quite hard to effectively use escort in pvp. At 6th level I preferred the same perks as you have. But some players just don't know how it works, and keep killing themselves until it's too late))
oo, cool
what about just for hunting?
Well, at usually HG being hit by mob = being killed, no matter how many def you have, so best choice would be luck, and don't forget to bless your xbows)) OR you may take Light magic and maxbuff xbows (bless, rapid..) But for that I would reccomend to have 2kn 1sp... And max xbows ofcourse) (if mobs don't shoot, if they do, then max swordsmen, as usual))

Xbow under bless at aimed shot with luck could give tons of damage)
escort is best talent

this is debatable, it depend on chase.

at usually HG being hit by mob = being killed, no matter how many def you have

that's right, so shot 1st before they shot you ;)

Xbow under bless at aimed shot with luck could give tons of damage

xbow still can deal massive dmg even without bless but just lower possibility due to the dmg gap is big.
xbow still can deal massive dmg even without bless but just lower possibility due to the dmg gap is big.

I agree. But 2-8 is a complete Random to me, and as far as I no light elf, I don't like to rely on it, it's their prerogative after all)
crit or luck, otherwise .... (c) =)

Even without light magic talent simple bless improve their damage to 5-8
Some stats:
5-8 w/Bless (+150-0%, or +75%in average)
3-9 battle fury (+50-12.5%, or +31.25% in average)
2 luck = +20% damage in average... but it's nice looking)
Nice stats Maalvi ^^
Nice stats but incorrect

normal dmg 2-8 avarage 5
blessed dmg 5-8 avarage 6,5 --> +30%
bf dmg 3-9 avarage 6 --> +20%
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