Author | 2009 messages |
you can't kill hydra :) |
that is not me that is austin du
remember when he said this:
i am going to kill the hydra god because i hate him why wont diversecity hug me |
diversecity is dead yeah :) hydra killed him :)
Sacred true!
for diversecity:
you heretic! |
lie's lie's all of them |
lol my black dragon god kills ur hydra god with ease |
diversecity lie's he lie's |
for diversecity:
you can't kill me. nothing can't kill me! Glory to the Hydra!
for diversecity:
Stop to say lies! |
hydra god can make 1000 of himself |
for austin:
The hydra blesss you! You the good person! |
wow black dragon god and hydra god just had a baby
blackhydragon god wow has hydraic breath and draconic breath lol
praise the blackhyrdagon god |
Glory to the Hydra!
(, , ,).......(, , ,) |
Glory to the Hydra! Glory to the Hydra! Glory to the Hydra! Glory to the Hydra! |
for diversecity:
not! not! it false!!!!
True hydra one! It unique!
blackhyrdagon Does not exist.
You the silly person! I stop to speak with you! You do not understand are true! |
/oo\../oo\../oo\ /oo\../oo\../oo\
(, , ,).......(, , ,)
(, , ,).......(, , ,) |
ur lie u lie |
*hug's hydra* |
for austin:
Glory to the Hydra! |
[>] [q]
1136 2008-12-24 17:09:35
*hug's hydra*
i put antihug suit on hydra hahahahahaha |
remeber what you said diversecity "Glory to the Hydra" |
remember what u said
i hate the Hydra |