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Author2009 messages
you killed hydra
roasted hydra yum!!!!!!!!?

god hydra tastes good
i would like to roast unicorns
i just realized i got 1100 yhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i'll get 1111
699 *cry*...Why why why??:
for diversecity:
you says - lies! hydra can't be killed.
To kill a hydra, it is necessary to kill me.
can't kill hydra god :)
well then u dead too

*diversecity hugs sagaro*

fwshhhhhhhhshshhshhshhhs ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

yummy human flesh toasted to perfection
*hydra eat's diversecity and he dies*
for diversecity:
You again say lies.
I - am alive.
I - breathe.
The hydra damns you!
hydra wins :)
i have my suit and spray remember

*hydra puts diversecity in its mouth but diversecity is whereing antihydragod suit and hyrdagodbegone spray and hyrda coufs him out and bows in respect*
deadly crazy boredoom of the 2 mighty kindooms that fought each other and then they lose the battle from a mighty dragon that killed bothe of them whcich came from nowhere for only purpose to be the name of this thing. lol
for diversecity:
Kill about a Hydra!
diversecity is dead yeah :) hydra killed him :)
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