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Well, it has never been implemented on .ru =) Check your channels again.

By the way, there will be tons of new MG quests, some of them are already here, and some are yet to com every soon.

Sorry for the offensive tone, didn't mean to attack you (in the forum ;) )
what is the captcha for the voting now? They keep changing it! It was so much easier when it just a simple math problem.

It's a simple math problem again, just writen down in Russian.
About the military clans.
How is it on .ru Do they give you some good advantages?
Or it doesnt matter much if you are in one or not?
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Spam]
How is it on .ru Do they give you some good advantages?
You get to fight together during wars, you get more authority from Empire

It's a point of pride and competitiveness. More benefits would be given to War Clans than others since Empire trusts them to call the shots (read the stories in announcements?)
you get more authority from Empire
I didn't get that point...

Is there any use with medals, or is it just for show?

How was working the control of areas by battleclans? Were there X dwarves on an area, and the battleclan that killed the last of them get the control of the area? Or was that the battleclan that killed the most dwarves on this area that get control of it?

After that, I guess that other clans could come and try to get control of that area... Right? If so, how is that working?

And a last one: what is the benefit of controling facilities? Do clan tresory get part of gold from it, or is that members that get a little percent of it, or (why not), some gem, for exemple, if controling a gem mine?

Medals are special artefacts that can be equipped as necklaces. There are different level medals (higher level give more bonuses). Almost every hero who participated in war is awarded lowest medal, but higher medals are harder to achieve.

Also, there are special sets, which are limited in numbers, that the best players and clans can be awarded with them.

King Cyrus of the Great Magicians was in good spirits. His friend and first officer, Archmage Sorish, recently returned from sea expedition, informed him of the completion of preparations for the castings of rare spells.

Around the Sun City and outside it was well-known to all that Cyrus strongly desired luxury and the miraculous wonders. Therefore, no one doubted that the Abu Bakr's spell would summon the King, and that his response to it will be no less grand and no less spectacular a spell.

Watching the acts of his Archmage, Cyrus dictated a message to the Empress:
"In admiration we watch the magic of Abu Bakr, and show him our respect. In response, we have cast a spell that will certainly fill our glorious land with new sounds! Also note that if the Empire wins in the voting of the awards by a large margin, my mages will help Abu Bakr with the castings of the festive incantations, thereby strengthening its power. "

Several hours later, an ambassador was driving along the road near the Shining spring. Gradually, the world around him began to fill with the sounds of ... loud bird song, a wolf's howl in the distance, the sound of two heroes in battle taking place somewhere nearby came increasingly discernible. The ringing of swords and the cries of the wounded and dying soldiers echo-ed around.
The voices of heralds, who were previously silent, now echoed for miles, calling all heroes to vote for the Empire.
The Messenger grinned: Cyrus demonstrated his magical response to the Imperial court magician.
I hear that at .ru the heroes was defeated by the dwarf invasion. Will that thing happen at .com too?
Sounds # 2

Dear players,
We have fFixed a serious bug with loading sounds in the background on Internet Explorer, which led to enormous delays when loading.

We have also added stereo sound, which will further immerse you in the atmosphere of the game.

For your information, the sounds are loaded only once, subsequent downloads will be sounds run from the browser cache, thus your Internet traffic will not increase. Sounds are loaded as a background task, which means that it is not necessary to wait for the sound download before starting with the placement of troops or the beginning of the battle.

If you do not want to load these sounds, just turn off the sound effects in personal settings.

We remind you that there are only 8 days before the end of the finals of the Runet award. Thus each of you has a total of 8 votes left for the game. Do not miss the chance to support the project. Please, please vote.
I hear that at .ru the heroes was defeated by the dwarf invasion. Will that thing happen at .com too?
Depends on .com players ) .ru players were slacking :o) Playing cards in taverns instead of grabbing a sword and fighting.
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // English only on the forums]
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Spam]
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // No need to advertise characters]
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Spam and rather irritating]
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-11-19 09:37:42 // Copying and pasting Ban messages is just plain spam. Esp when you repeatedly do it.]
Depends on .com players ) .ru players were slacking :o) Playing cards in taverns instead of grabbing a sword and fighting.

just curious - there are more than 12k online at the peak time and most of them just play tavern?

Beside, they also complain about update, when they have update, they just play tavern?
for nnt000:
Some gave up on the war when they found it too hard to win, I believe. So they concentrated on boosting their Gamblers' Guild..
when i entered my first battle on .ru today there was a decision to make but i couldnt copy it.. i clicked the right side..
what did i do ?
You were asked if you wanted sounds loaded.
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Insults]
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-11-18 22:44:37 // No insults]
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