Author | Continue the chain |
nerd=not me |
not me=russian (i'm not russian) |
Russian=a better server! |
a better server! = fast service in restaurant :) |
fast service in restaurant = better tip for the waiters :) |
better tip for the waiters=rich
(keep it short plz) |
rish = not always happy |
not always happy=Epicwinner |
Epicwinner=level4 |
level4=m3 |
m3=cubic metres |
cubic meters = math |
math=China! |
China=a country |
acountry=war |
war = violence
violence = hatred |
hatred=7 letters
7 letters = alphabets
alphabets = english
english = a language
a language = communication (A language is used for communication)
communication = telephone
telephone = call |
call = level 3 (A lvl 3 player in the game) |
level 3 = BlackV (A player in the game) |
BlackV = a guy |