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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
I agree with auto lock, stops one annoying / drunk person going back to threads years ago and just bumping them up to the top.

*cough* igles *cough*

Dont bring up Queen_Amanda dude we all know what your dad thought of her
Dont bring up Queen_Amanda dude we all know what your dad thought of her

bigger oof
for merlin36:

Your to-be father-in-law. :p

I didnt know he did this though xD
for The One Ring:
More importantly, AK average LeG level jumped from 9.3 before event to 9.77 now :o
That's some excellent recruiting going on.
Meanwhile, Titans has taken in LeG 9 chumps like me and their average LeG level has gone down

It is not about the average per se, but how many have LeG 9 or less. Since LeG10 and 11 have the same recruit count, it provides no real advantage. As such a clan with lots of LeG11 and more LeG9 or less could have the same average as another clan, with less LeG11, but more LeG 10.

Still, who would be bothered to look in that detail, the average is an easier measure to look at.
Of course
Greater LeG level generally corresponds well to diversity and strength in creatures. I would expect a LeG 11 to have lot more diversity than say a LeG 9 like me.
Why? Those who had strong creatures early on are far more likely to be doing 1.5 battles than those without. And hence are the ones who end up with higher LeG.
I think I have finally figured out a profitable 1.5 build ;)
This conversation seems hardly off game, smh.
Any other games similar to Runescape? Or Avencast?
While chat is dead before I even started this game and no point of having mods especially paid mods there, here they stay as long as they can tolerate repetitive nonsense and childish hostility. :P
for Calamity:
More like jealousy :)
I remember spamming messages to eddy about when the chat mod role would open again. Then i was offline for a month, and the registrations opened and closed. I am jealous till date for i could have got so much gold by now for literally little work.

And i feel i roam the chat section looking for people more than the mods themselves hahahaha
How is hostility an attribute of childhood?
In the sense that kids for fun oppose thing.

If you go to an 8 year old and tell something like a fact. 50-70% of the time they are gonna respond with hostility. Even though they don't realise it. It's an natural thing to question everything.
When is day of constructions returning :(

Grown ups can be very hostile too. They just express it differently.
for Marquis Thornwald:
Grown ups can be very hostile too. They just express it differently.

I’m a grown up and I am not hostile, how dare you say such a thing! It is hugely insulting and a terrible thing to say. I think I should throw some nukes at you to teach you a lesson.

*slams door*

There you go ;)
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