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Author[Military Clan] #9595 Immortal Dynasty
I've read the books ;)
You can read? :O
Yes at a 3rd grade level! *Puffs chest out*
reading is easy, its not rocket appliances
Hey appliances are hard okay i still dont know how to use all the settings on my microwave and washing machine.
cmon merlin, get that cl19 already xD

Combat level: 18 (159,891,088) +108,912

Almost there now, if only I was able to win at cg without playing cancer necro
Once again congratz and welcome to cl19!
We will be uploading the third episode of our dungeons and dragons series soon on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned to see our cast interact with Mr. Baulz
Oh it was Mr Baulz and not something else okayyyyy.
Clan hosted an Eofo night yesterday, not had so much fun in ages playing this game
Das game night was uber goot!

Ich will be looking forward to our next get-zusammen!

Cheers, meine Herren!
I'm totally not being held hostage in this clan *blinks twice*
Thank you for making a public statement on this. I'm sure potential members would be glad to hear they won't be held hostage
*grabs lotion and hose*
Did you know?

Playing the event using our depository saves you around 50-60k

Is that true merlin tell me more.
for Igles:
Not only do you save with the depository, you also receive a piece of our 250k event prize fund!

Imagine that!
wait wait wait wait
youre telling me you have:
* regular event rewards
* cheapest depo
* defenses (pve)
* defenses (pvp) with clan funded sets
* game nights
* LeG bingo
* discord server for casual and/or serious chatting

sorry, but i dont think there's another clan like that in the entire Empire.

well done boys!
++ Discord server recommended, a little chaotic & always a good time
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