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32k exp for 1 hg, there goes my dream for wg6 at cl19 ;(

30k exp in mixed cg
for slayerofall:
Similar is only 1 stat ahead of fall1n, while venom is 5 stats ahead, I think both similar and fall1n would get same exp
Should anyone find a list of averages so we understand where we stand, would be much appreciated. Because so far I am not getting neither extra exp, nor extra fsp
How does it really work?
Raven got about 25k exp in cg (about x2)
And 71k for wg (maybe x5)

So you get multiplied exp differently for different guilds or overall same multiplier?

30k exp in mixed cg


From ru forum, not sure if entirely accurate

1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 2.579
4 - 4.5134
5 - 6.628
6 - 9.2675
7 - 12.1451
8 - 16.7432
9 - 19.8333
10 - 24.4433
11 - 28.9777
12 - 34.8681
13 - 40.8174
14 - 47.5289
15 - 57.3168
16 - 67.0826
17 - 76.0026
18 - 83.8827
19 - 89.5927
20 - 95.1885
21 - 100.3531
22 - 107.4749
23 - 113.9109
for Rengar:
You need to check old CG vs current CG fsp/xp ratio and same for WG.
I tried, HG, AG and MG. All give me normal exp(same before update)
I’m average character :)
for ElfMoon:
You may still be reasonably above average, just not 2 levels above the next combat level average.

For myself I think(if I've understood the formula correctly) I have a value of 92, which according to that table is more than 2 above the average for cl19, and as such should get a little bit more experience. This did not seem the case on my last hunt, but will see later. I should get wg 7 soon, and if I see a jump after that then it would imply that the values are about right.
man according to that i have almost level 21 stats.... those are some weak as fk 21s to have those averages... lol.

hard to think i came back to game 2.5 years ago, as the 2nd to last on level 13 in terms of stats for ALL level 13 players in game. grinded my ass off to reach competitive levels with stat monsters to just get slammed with exp penalty lol.
My question is, are lvl23s not pumped anymore? Since the system now relies on higher levels to enable
do level 23s care about exp?
Punishing successful people for working hard? Using unfair penalties to beat them down to equal level with the lazy ones?

Nothing more and nothing less than "good old" communism. Been there, no thanks. If the admins do not re-think this stupidity, this will be my farewell.
for krovak:
This update gives the ability for casual players to enjoy the game, this is probably needed for the game to grow in the current market. No one is going to download the app and play this game when they find out they need to devote their next 10 years to the game just to be competitive?
Punishing successful people for working hard? Using unfair penalties to beat them down to equal level with the lazy ones?

No one is going to download the app and play this game when they find out they need to devote their next 10 years to the game just to be competitive?

Admin need to find out the "balance points" to those work hard on their character, they reserve to enjoy extra status points.
I entered the game, which had certain set of rules. Within the frame of the rules, I decided to put in the hard work and build a strong character, which took me several years. Now I am finally able to use the advantage of having a couple extra stat points to perform well in events and collect the sweet reward.

How on earth is it fair to change the rules now when many people devoted thousands of hours of their precious free time? Do you think they would still grind if they were told in advance such change is coming? We already had pumping penalty, which was not fair but was at least bearable. By continuing playing now, I would simply see all my previous effort go in vain.
And the same can be said of the defences now giving wg points, many of us have devoted 1000s of combats to helping out our clans for no gain on the character. Some people such as jahadad are missing out on 1000s of wg points after this change compared to players that put in the same effort now.

But the admins have to make these changes unfortunately and that is the risk of playing and investing in such a game. There is still plenty of opportunity to have a stat advantage at your level, just not to the point where you are multiple levels above where everyone else is.

Just like the defence change, this harms a few dedicated and committed people. But it generally benefits 90% of the players in the game and the other option is to remain stale and slowly lose the less committed players has been the trend over the last few years
there are other less drastic changes that could have been implemented.
expophobia and statwhoring is only an issue because people like to have advantage in pvp. introduce stat caps per level and bam. porblem instantly solved without causing the kind of uproar that is happening now. statmonster can keep advantages they worked for in events, but pvp, and tournaments they will be held in check and fairplay for all
for merlin36: This is true with WG from defences, and applies also to all those LG, WG, TG potions et cetera, too. All these changes were unfair to people who already put a lot of effort to level those guilds.

But I feel this new change is one order of magnitude bigger than all those previous changes combined. It has a potential to, withing a couple of months, completely erase the effort many people have put in the character development over many years. For me, the exp penalty is so huge that i am now getting 41k exp for a WG errand, where I got 13k yesterday...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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