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AuthorBrain teasers
for Zenthos:
s ???

Wednesday is the name of his horse . . . !!!
why does a ball thrown up in the air come back down?

@104 : no
because ball is weight
@106 : no

last chance another wrong guess i'm gonna answer it... :P
for TheSilentkiller: Because the ball does not want to stay longer in the air .. :) it wants to come back down .. :)
anwser: cause no 1 was there to catch it :P :P
for merlin36:something tells me that you didn't figure this one out on your own........dammit merlin you are a googler....... that one's almost impossible to solve on your own.
for TheSilentkiller: that one was funny but it was just unclear because how did it get in the air in the first place if no one was there and even if someone did catch it the ball would still be falling into the person's hands. because if it wasn't in the air and it was on a platform of some sort like a desk the answer would be because would be because it rolled off. even if someone was there to catch it, it would be it fell but I caught it. so it still fell and that's what I really don't get about that riddle .
for Zenthos:
lol that was actually a very easy one, i got it as soon as i read it,
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