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AuthorNecromancer faction topic
Faction Skill Points I think

Im necro myself, lvl 6 atm, and pvp at lvl 4 was rather easy.
IMO max ghosts, plan your moves in the battle, your hero move should be AFTER enemy and BEFORE ghosts - so you can raise them and use full stack to attack again. Also use your rise wisely - if you can raise 14 ghosts don't raise only 7 etc, wait for at least 10 die for example.
Also use 5 skeletons and split them 5x1 and use them for enemy retaliation.

FSP= Factionskillpoints or so i assume.
Will negative moral, caused by equipping the ring of doubt, ( I believe it's the ring of doubt) still effect stacks in battle? I was under the impression moral doesn't effect undead units.
moral has no effect negative are postivate
And are infected zombies useful at all?
Yes, I think
for monster quests yes and they dont make bad tanks
having infected zombies is obligatory!
Infected zombies are also very useful in ambushes on lvls 8 and 9.
I've used infected very successfully for ambushes and some MG quests, mainly the monster type quests. They work extremely well in these roles, since the AI largely ignores them until last. For these types of fights, I max infected and only take a few ghosts. I've tried doing those same fights with max ghosts and a few infected and could still win some, but it was much harder for me. I think either way can work, depending on your style.
Hi guys im level 3 and i got those ghosts... they just dissapear like dust when i face any archer, any sugestions...
i have 3 knowledge if you ask...
Its life luck if they turn to dust.
They have incorporeal ability meaning they can be miss, but if you arent lucky they will be hit first shot. Nothing to do more then to raise them
What are the easiest Merc quests a lvl 6 Necro would be able to complete?

Vanguard of Knights, Wizards, or Dark Elves should be fairly easy. Stay away from Vanguard of Necro's until at least Level 7.

Several of the monster type quests should be easily doable as well.
m level 4 and having trouble fighting with barbs and elfs, m not able to win against them .... can u tell me any strategies/tactics/troops placement b4 battle, that i can use....

anything that u think can help me

cheers !!
to 115: best thing you can do, is to check combat log of any necro from higher lvl ;)
On lvl 4 I was using just basic strategy, and it worked well for me.
https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=11219313 (barbar)
Your zombies and ghosts have to stay near by, so opponent cant stand od ghosts for a long time

I hate elves... For now, get someone else to attack those nasty Forest keepers. Use hero to break through whatever defences they have covering bows, and use ghosts on bowmen.

The only way barbs can give you trouble is if they are lucky with their orcs. Just get ghosts up next to them and they're dead.
How do I get more mana?
I have 10 and so can raise my troops only once?
use your perimeter points on knowledge
I am on level 4 and have only 1 knowledge.
What artifacts should I use to gain more knowledge?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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