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Thx for info really help a lot
I prefer to use Sprites + max druids in PvP instead of FK, for their speed/spells/broad attack/high ini.

Is barb a problem for elf? NO ! :D Some tactics vs barb & lvl6:

By the way, I find elf the most powerful duel class at lvl 6 so far, I have not lost any duel yet - 3/3 necros, 4/4 knights, 1/1 barb :) Did not fight vs mages though.
Elves should not fight wizards. All they have to do is magic punch your sprites, who have 144 total hp when you do the max druid build. Then they could magic arrow your bowmen, killing them in about three hits. And if they have the magic mirror talent, your druid lightning could hit your own units, or hit the golem, which has magic shield. Overall, we would be pretty much dead from the very beginning.
Just dinged lvl 7 and decided to keep the same tactics as for lvl 6 - max druids and sprites, no FK . Changed advanced luck for basic attack + battle furry and enjoi it very much :P Still keep putting all my points into attack, I do not need magic at that point me thinks.

My first duel vs knight noart at lvl 7:

Tactics do not change and the domination is even bigger.
104: what about the demon? seems sprites cant outspeed the wolf+gated unit in front of them (charging)
hi .
im a lvl 3 elf . what race is the most easiest and whats the best strategy and rerouting numbers ?

thanks in advance :)
no ideas yet ? i use ten bowman 20 fk and 3 paeris . i use paeris to shield bowman and i rush with fk to enemys heart . but i lose most of the times ! whats the problem with my strategy or troop count ?


I would stoneskin elfbowmen/sprites and lightning/wasp on succubies. First bowmen shoot would be wolfs since they are in my favorite enemy list, that's ~200 damage if unlucky and about 50% that will get critical hit from double shot e.g. ~300 damage overall. That would be halved ranged damage ofc.

The tactics could be different, depends on initiative starting points and behavior of opponent. There would be a high change to lose if succis turn first otherwise elf wins I think. If demon wastes wolfs turn for gating I would probably shoot succubies . If if if ... there is no "I win" straight tactics :P

PS: we could duel and see how things go though :)
108: this is the example:

1. when succu shoot before elven

2. when succu shoot after elven, but half stacks of elven got luck+favour(in a shot) hit
Both opponents played very different from my tactics :P They did not stoneskin elven bowmen, they were magic specced and they did not have battle furry. Doubt they played very well with their sprites either, especially the 1rst one :P

I explain why battle furry is better then advanced luck:


Damage of all units increases for 20%, but ~15% vs favorite enemies(luck does not double extra damage from FE critical hits).


"Sprites" - effect from battle furry for sprites is 50% + 10% basic attack = 60% total damage. Difference: + 40%.

"Elven bowmen" - battle furry effect is 1/(4+7)/2 = 1/11/2 = 18% ! No difference.

Druids - will do ~8% less damage with Battle furry when shoot, but when they are split it does not matter since they use lightning.

And at overall I think "smooth damage" is better then lucky one.
for number 106 i personaly while i was level 3 used 10 bowmen 19 FK and 4 sprites
also favoured enemy isnt neccesary but helps a ton!
fighting knight i split bowmen into 2 stacks and put in corner then i surrounded my bowmen with sprites put anywhere on field use bowmen to kill there bowmen before they can atack since our bowmen has higher intitive also our bowmen will barly scratch sorwed so use fk on them and make sue that u always attack sorwedsmen with fk first not sorwedsmen attack u first also kill farmer with hero
fight necro set up troops same way as before when fight necro it all depends on how much mana they have if they have 10-20 then u will probaly win if they have 30 mana then u will probaly lose use bowmen to attack zombie not ghosts they will waste there arrows by missing use fk to kill ghosts and sprites to defend bowmen they will probaly not raise zombie as ghosts r more powerful so when zombie is down start shooting at the ghosts kill skeloten with hero
i didnt play wizard enough to know what im talking about
playing other elf pray u have higher intitive and kill in this order bowmen fk faerie
to fight barb set up in same way as pervius and aim for orcs with bowmen try not to attack orc with fk they r strong with meelee unlike other shooters instead focus on wolf rider for fk to kill and as befor kill tier one with hero
dark elf set up with one stak of bowmen in corner, one stack of fk in middle and one stack fk in other corner do this to avoid erthen spikes spell
kill rouges first with bowmen and fk and sprites dont really do any thing so u can attack wth them 2 try to stay out of minos range after rouges r gone work on minos if they have bandi chip away at there heath with hero
and for demon set up battle as u would for barb and kill wolfhound first with bowmen and use fk on demon when they gate dont kill the gated creatures only the real ones use hero to kill imp
hoped this helped
what are some tactics for beating wizards 1v1 with a level 6 24 sprite max druid build
112: change ur sprites to FKs
any tips on fighting elves vs elves in pvp with sprite/druid build at lvl 6?
what is best tactics against level 3 necromancer who has 12 skelingtons, 13 ghosts and 26 zombies when I have 9 sprites, 16 forest keepers and 10 elven bowmen inclusing who favourite enemies should be currently mine is zombies
115: Change your build to max sprites and elven bowmen. Keep favourite enemies on zombies. Use forest keepers(if you are able to bring any after this, I don't know) to protect bowmen, do not use them to take retal. Focus elven bowmen and hero attack on ghosts, making sure you attack ghosts with bowmen ONLY AFTER you see one miss without any hits after it. Since bowmen go before hero, the first time is the only time you can use bowmen to shoot ghosts without any misses. Other times, just wait. Have the sprites stay back and wait until the necro units come in, and take out the skeles and run back before it is the zombies' turn. Don't stand on ghosts, let the necro raise the ghosts until he is out of mana. By this time, everything should be dead except for your sprites and the zombies. Now you just have a hit and run game with the zombies and you should win.
what do you think of this battle https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=473696063
well, I guess that could work too.
I just wanted to ask because I've seen that 1 of the elves on 5 level had 6 druids 12 bowman and 25 fk when I can have only 21 fk's. What should i do to have 25 fk's?
its probably the "rally talent"
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