Author | Continue the chain |
who gets banned sometimes=newbie! |
newbie = fun to see them |
fun to see them=Goku_30
buhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaah |
Goku_30 = what do you think about me ? |
what do you think about me=dueling noob!
buhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaah |
dueling noob = rich guilds !! |
rich guilds!!=2 words and 2 exclaimation marks:):):) |
2 words and 2 exclaimation marks = get out !! |
get out= no fun for u tonight |
no fun for u tonight = but why ?! |
but why?! = i dont have time for that |
I don't have time for that=trying new factions |
trying new factions=no gold to build castles =( |
no gold to build castles= i need to enroll |
i need to enroll = to become a millionaire |
to become a millionair=follow vepacha bets:-) |
follow vepacha bets = losing all your gold |
losing all your gold = roulette :(( |
Roulette=Rich |
Rich = never feel it |