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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Why i dont get such hackers.

Life's tough :p
Any advices for us noobs,siddi?
13 match win streak in cg (2 bot matches though).
Let's see how long I can keep this up :D
very impressive
ends at 14.
Don't you just hate it when one look at your partner tells you it's going to be a 1v2 :(
Never spend small xD
Here I am barely managing to get 2 CG wins in a row. Life was so easy in lvl 16
The rush to HG9 will hard. But this will get fun soon, I think :D
Any trips for Dark elf in TG?

im a total TG noob
Kill the enemy before they kill you
How should i split the troops.?? Multiple stacks of shrews or one full stack
The builds I've seen split shrews
Talking about noobs here, I lost a cg in which I was the only real player :D
Damn this hunt today is hard.
Especially as DE>
I have no clue how to beat these corsairs.
Only shrews and witches are useful, but they'll die first turn. Maybe I shouldn't even take minos, ladons and liz.
Never been so confused for a hunt.
play with a class that has archers otherwise get ready to spend more gold as DE.

DE with shrew is not good for this enemy. Save it for low ini/low speed/large creature enemies.
Talking about noobs here, I lost a cg in which I was the only real player :D

Well you're not alone then ;p

You've got to be kidding me wow

Skeletal corsairs deal 0 damage to Lodestone golems.
Skeletal corsairs deal 0 damage to Battlemagi.
Skeletal corsairs deal 0 damage to Genies.
Skeletal corsairs deal 0 damage to Lodestone golems.
Skeletal corsairs deal 0 damage to Battlemagi.

Through shot must have exact same background behavior as heavy bolt. Crazy.
Does the classic wizard magic bonus in hunts work for battlewiz also?
for virtual_vitrea:
Yes, it does.
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