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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // Insults & foul language]
[Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2012-11-21 03:50:46 // FR#4.4&4.6//It is strictly forbidden to use foul language.It is forbidden to insult other players.]
enough cribbing here

Do some flooding :P
wooooosh tsunami , flood over and continuing ;)
hmmm feels good to confess , yarr i nee money !! i want to grtme efks , this is no begging , i sm just telling my problems to you phsycaitrists ( is it written the right way ? )
i should never flood on an IPad , :S , my grammar he suvks
hmmm awkward silence i suppose ?
hi there young traveler would you like some rum ?
hmm , trying to learn lonley day by SOAD on teh guitar
i go to you tube , then write how to hack lordswm god , then suddenly they are all russians ! i got nothing ! i have to figure it out my self !
bye guys good night
good night
no post in 11 hrs!
big deal,huh?
well.that's what happens when i m not here..:P
oh!u want some goat buddy,cause i'll give u goat.!
last thing we wanted was to have coach hedge swinging his club wildly over heavily guarded Romans and say,"Die!"
news flash,when u were dead,Romans attacked Greece,created the largest kingdom of all time!
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