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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
If someone gets GMB at lvl 9 with gold to buy diamonds. It's around a loss of 150k but well if I would be that good and could make the money back from ST and MT, it'd be awesome xD
Lv12 has been so good to me cg wise :D
And the streak continues aah.
Defensive DE is so goood. Duel and Mixed both.
Holy cow that's the worst partner I have ever had.
Continuous suicide attempts, just look at his gargs.
+2 morale mini artifact on golems.
And won nonethless, I am so proud.
This may just be the best game I ever had gg.
Partner did a good job
Yes, great guy.
And he knew English and was willing to discuss strategies. Ideal.
Last year the Christmas event came on 24 December :O
And the CG streak continues.
This is good practice for the upcoming Major Tournament.
Someone come defeat me lol
Maybe you're just unbeatable?
Looks like it at the time :p
I'm just getting really good partners most of the times.
Commanders' guild: 0 (141.10) +8.9
Within a day at this rate.
Couple of mistakes out there, but the streak lives :D
I won't let it die woohoo
I do not understand what is going on now haha. One more.
Looks like Sauron's got my back
Last year the Christmas event came on 24 December :O

Every year yay
Lvs 17 + 12(me) vs Lv15 + Lv14 + Lv14.
They had a buffer + DOF.
My Lv17 red demon stood no chance ://
for The One Ring:
Make floods great again.
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