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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
What mind forged manacles are these?
You can't call someone a prisoner when his/her prison term has ended.

once a prisoner, always a prisoner.
Even when I was a prisoner my mind was free to do whatever it wants, so I never consider myself to be a prisoner :)

Flooding here for asking help from you guys to make my channel better.
Please do subscribe and help me out here.

Thank You and Sorry
Even when I was a prisoner my mind was free to do whatever it wants, so I never consider myself to be a prisoner :)

yes, you are only being identified as such.
lol i am not serious, only messing with you :)
Just checked his transfer log and realised what you meant
hey welcome back kulala :)
hey welcome back kulala :)
Thanks :D

I think I'll be gone permanently soon xD
oh, we will miss your progress with story writing. It has seen much improvement of late.
It has seen much improvement of late.
Oh! Thanks a lot :D

we will miss your progress with story writing
You think I won't come back ? :P
There is an blog to more of my short stories..
Although, I don't think its legal to post that here :P
There is an blog to more of my short stories..

hehe too soon for that. By improvement, i reckon it went from terrible to tolerable :)
A good day for mages?

I think not.
barbs are OP?
I trust you to form such opinion yourself :) I just wanted to share that a lot of people playing as DE mage in cg today but the funny thing is that it has only caused opportunity for counters with resistance talents/rush builds for the few who don't want to mage.
Well for me Barbs are OP, never managed to win over a barb in a duel :(
I'm guessing you try to duel them as elf? Yeah its not gonna be your win. Barbs and dwarf destroy elf in duel at the level you are if i remember correctly.
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