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Thats because the poeple bought rare creatures on last diamons, like the leprechauns, so the system see that the win is easier and increase the enemy strenght, I have predicted that this money creatures buing will amplifies us very bas, just play for the money

^thats a massive rip off
So, are you saying, perhaps that skeleton crossbowmen are necro troops.

LEts not start that again :p
Yeah. We are aware of this glich fallen
I just got 159 sprites from upgrading forest keepers, and I'm very happy with them. 63 leadership and they do about 150 damage to each target when you recruit about 80 of them. Of course they can't take a hit, but high initiative and flyer ability is so helpful
So, are you saying, perhaps that skeleton crossbowmen are necro troops.

Oh, is that still in question? I thought we settled it.
I'm finding 1.2 and 1.5 battles much easier with sprites, but my sample size is not large enough to look at it longterm
I just got 159 sprites from upgrading forest keepers, and I'm very happy with them. 63 leadership and they do about 150 damage to each target when you recruit about 80 of them. Of course they can't take a hit, but high initiative and flyer ability is so helpful

Sounds good, really. Perhaps not suitable for those playing auto mode however.
I just exchanged demons for fiends. Looks good with only 75 leadership right now.

Will try in battle.
ugh nope, not so good :D
I just got 159 sprites from upgrading forest keepers, and I'm very happy with them. 63 leadership and they do about 150 damage to each target when you recruit about 80 of them. Of course they can't take a hit, but high initiative and flyer ability is so helpful
I tried out dryads, and they go very well with a fast army (wolfhounds, trogs). I am using 2 stacks of harpooners to collect enemy troops together, so that dryads get a good hit every time.
I just noticed that on the armaments pages, if you have a creature in your LeG reserve, it will show the appropriate rarity background. Nice!
I just exchanged 962 spearmen for 31 harpooners.

GG admins well played
Today i was surprised to see that i had stonegnaers. I sure as hell didn't see a rare drop in battle. I wonder whats the deal. so happy though, stoneeaters used to be my favorite killers and this upgrade is much better for very small increase in leadership.
Maybe it was the level 50 of Tomb of the Sun? They do give you a rare creature for beating it. I got tengu (they suck)
for chakkal2001:lol
My best win, got nice and lucky with how it played out, only 93 resurrect cost for a 1.5 win :) I love it when a plan comes together

My best win, got nice and lucky with how it played out, only 93 resurrect cost for a 1.5 win :) I love it when a plan comes together

I got you bested. 54 resurrect cost. Technically 64 if those goblins could be resurrected.


I don't deliberately pick 1.5 fights. I look at the three options and go for the one that I think is easiest; sometimes that turns out to be the 1.5 option. Of course I misjudge a lot and sometimes pay the price dearly. But once in a while I get something like this.
nicely done. Pretty sure there will be wins for no losses out there, lucky hits on blazing hounds etc. Some shooters are stronger than others if you want to gamble a no loss win. For example I usually use gremlin engineers to virtually guarantee to hit first, though goblin archers hit harder (larger damage range and you get more) so with the right enemy worth going for. I will look out for one to try and get.
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