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AuthorPrison upheaval [News]
The roblem is solved, isn't it?
Yes, it solved
Thanks mate
for l_e_s_e_n_a:
you were kidding, right?
anybody notice the similarity between the Google-translated version and the official announcement?

It almost feel like they just revised the Google-translated one into a more "normal" version
news comes 2 day later,admins ftw!!!
anybody notice the similarity between the Google-translated version and the official announcement?

It almost feel like they just revised the Google-translated one into a more "normal" version

Yeah definitely a disappointing decision :( I guess the benefit is that the announcement comes on time, even if it isn't well written.
can't win lvl 10 :/
Managed two victories in level 10
Lost one by just 26 HP
Combats played:30
Combats won:29
lv 11 demons in this event are so ridiculously overpowered.

I usually get incendeiaries as empowered monster, which is not a problem
the problem is the cerberis, which are usually in stacks of 9~15 in 3 stacks.

I get literally no troops to take retaliation before i start anything, and i kill all the cerberis in about 2 hero combat turns, with bowman+ballista.
hell horses is easily dealt with griffins.

Then boom, incendiaries come out of nowhere, one shot my griffin, and i have barely any bowman and swordsman to deal with hell horses and incendiaries.

about 3 times i tried different tactics;
-basic knight, max grif max sword, leadership rally,
-basic knight, max bowman escort luck / basic holy and bless
-holy knight, max bowman, bit of sp for magic punch dmg

NONE of these work. Demons are just ridiculous.
I got fiends as monster
They leapt on my 25 FK and killed him in just one leap
Managed to win
its third time that i lost because of a frontier ursary monster ( 4k-5k HP , 1.5k-2.5k dmg , 12 int) :/ can't kill it in one turn ... :(
for knights cl 5~7, it is best to max bow and grif, keep swords at minimum. go holy knight, you need the magic punch. 4+ sp at least and 2 knowledge is just fine, your hero actually deals sufficient damage to empowered creatures since all magic resistance is ignored.
For Thomas:
Buddy sorry all wrong assumption :(
Take max Griffins play with holy then max swordsman then rest Bowman and 2 brutes for retail..
Take 4 sp and 3 knowledge
Spilt bowmen in three stacks and go with mass rapid - rapid griffins n swordsman n 2 stacks of bowman in one turn with 1 brute :P bless griffins after it n then bless swordsman then go with magic punch really wrks :)
For this event, you need to max high-damage shooter because they are your only option for taking out monsters most of the time..

Darkness spell especially delay can help you a lot as they allow your troops to have more turns
for Emperor Rahul-V:
I wish i had the farmer upgrade construction :c
never thought of using mass holy magic, it seemed like it won't deal enough damage for my situation. I'll have a try tomorrow, i think that definitely will work.

btw how good are the rewards from events? my first time with events, do they give you gold/artifacts/fsp?
they give you artifacts

Get some info here
It has gotten simpler, really?
It sure doesn't look like it.
At level 6 wave a swordsman monster with 9206 hp and hitting for 2146-5365. He onehitted anything on the board, full packs of minotaur soldiers and lizard assailants dropped just like that, and he had 255 griffins as backup and then some.
The only difference with yesterday is that the ballista now does like 190 damage while it only did 74 damage before. And no, I have not upgraded it, I was saving for double shots.
I checked with previous battles and see a major difference in it's statistics, before it was:
att 56
def 46
dmg 21-42

and now it is:
att 68
def 58
dmg 37-75

with hp still at 168.
Does this mean it will start doing 1k dmg now after some upgrading? Time will tell.

After that I finally got enough for the double shot for ballista and did a level 7 wave:
54 tamed wyverns
360 centaur outriders
150 shamans
686 enforcers
level 7 commander monster with among skills unlimited retaliation but only 2300 hp and hitting for 1435-2050 but hits twice due to crusade.
The ballista hits now twice for around 190 damage with each shot, still unupgraded.
But the huge hitpoint and damage difference between the monsters is huge, compared to this the level 6 monster should have been a level 15 monster.
The people that stayed low on first day and did the levels gradually like me, will never be able to catch up to the people that went to highest wave as possible on first day. Those people on those high level waves are now stuck but their points on a loss is still higher than the winning points at wave 5-10, so the joke is still on us.
I still got to do 8 more batlles, will update later on that.
If more people would post the ammount of army they faced at what level wave, we would have a better comparison since we can't see each others battles, now I keep checking russian forum with googles lousy translation.
i am pretty sure the double shot is not worth it-
1200 points for double shot, in my assumption that is approximately 8~9 attack upgrades, which severely exceeds double of the base.
Of course as you upgrade attack, double shot becomes more worth it, but i don't think it will be possible to go that far with only limited amount of days and combats; I've spent too much on tent to really save up for it anyways.
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