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AuthorEternal Wars
Cross unleashed all the energy he had absorbed at once in a burst of light akin to a laser blast.The entire Guragami army perished in an instant.But the grass remained untouched.

As the dust settled, Cross was found were lying on the field, unconscious due to exhaustion.

*Guest's bedroom of the Kingdom Gromscream*

When Cross awoke, he found himself in a bedroom.The room was decorated with many jewels and art and it seemed to be a palace bedroom or something close to that.

Then, a knock on the door broke the silence. Yuki peeped into the room."Oh! Cross,you have awoken..." Yuki's head popped out of the doorway and she shouted out.

"Hey Duoax, Cross had awaken."

"Ah, it's good that you have awaken,Cross. I sincerely thank you for saving my brethren and myself from being killed."

"You are welcome. But why were they attacking you anyway?"

"I have absolutely no idea. Those mad beasts have been attacking us since 2 days ago.The Aerion and Arado Kingdoms have been demolished. Now those fools who survived and are refugees are staying in our castle, feeding on our resources.We are almost out of food and our food collectors don't dare to go out in fear of ambushes by the Guragami."

"Aerion and Arado? Is that why there are airborne and amphibian beasts in your army?" asked Yuki.

"Yes. We had all been at war with each other before the Guragami attack.The other two kingdom were conquered by them but the survivors fled to our country. Our King, Bluntfist the Behemoth, was fearful that the Guragami will attack us next.Thus, we became allies with the Aerioni Queen, Aishisa the Ziz and the Aradon King, Saloi the Leviathan. Each of us have our own special strengths, once combined, we can become quite a powerful force."

"What do you mean by special?" asked Yuki.

"Our kingdom, Gromscream, are good at ground-based attacks and our infantry is better and stronger than the others. I am the chief general. Aerion's top strategist, ShuGe the Owl, is wise and is able to create amazing and unseen before strategies. Arado is good at siege warfare. They created a weapon they call a missile and their forces include seadragons, which are bred for demolishing walls."

Suddenly, Demu entered the room. "I'm so glad you are okay,I don't know what to tell the Queen if you hurt."said Demu, checking up on Cross.

Then, a creature with an owl's head and a human body dressed in robes entered into the room and said "Ah! You must be Cross.I'm ShuGe, the chief tactician of the Gromscream army".

"Yes, I know. Captain Duoax has told me all about you. Has anything happened that you are looking for me?" asked Cross.

"The kings and queen wish to see you, Captain Duoax, and these 2 friends of yours." replied ShuGe.

*Grand Hall of the Kingdom of Gromscream*

Cross, Yuki and Demu stood before the assembled rulers of the 3 nations.

"O Great Hero, first of all we wholeheartedly thank you for saving our kingdoms from the attack. But this is not the end of the war. We are sorry to have to interrupt your rest, but we found out one dark secret about their almost never-ending troop count" said Queen Aishasa.

"What dark secret are you referring to?" asked Cross.

"It seems that those freaks have a spawning base nearby".
an mistake to be correct..

"It seems that those freaks have a spawning base nearby"said King Saloi.
"A spawning ground you say?..Hmm, I thought that is just a legend." mumbled Cross.

"Unfortunely, it seems to be true. According to the history of the Aerioni, there is a spawning ground created by the Warlocks of the 4 Star Stone Order. It is said to be able to create an army out of nothing and can instantly and fully heal all troops that stand within its confines. One of such a spawning ground can already create an army numbering the same as our kingdom's army. Now we hear that they have 3 of them." Queen Aishasi responded .

"Hmm...I personally don't think it's really a spawning ground. I think it's a MOTHER." declared Demu.

"Old man. What on earth are you saying? What do you mean by 'MOTHER'? " asked Captain Duoax incredulously.

"Captain Duoax, though he might not have done as much as what Cross did for us in battle.But he is still one of our saviours. Treat him with respect!" shouted Strategist ShuGe.

Demu ignored Duoax's impoliteness and continued, "A MOTHER is an adult Guragami female. They are capable of producing about 200-300 Guragami in a day. But only 1 out of every 10 or so Gurugami birthed is another female. These MOTHERS are living creatures, but they are as immobile as plant-life." explained Demu.

"I see. So we had wasted so many soldiers' lives just to defend ourselves, thinking our doomsday is coming near. While all we had to do is just take the battle to them."said King BrutalFist.

"Our opponents get stronger as time passes by. Let us just attack them tonight."suggested Strategist ShuGe.

"Excellent idea. Duoax, order all uninjured soldiers to get some rest before preparing for battle tonight. All men who are injured will rest and return to battle when they are fully recovered." commanded King BrutalFist.

"I will hear and obey your order, your Excellency."

"Then, I guess I will follow a..arghh!" Cross suddenly bent over and coughed out blood.

"You okay, Cross?" demanded Yuki as she rushed over to catch him.

"I'm fine..Just a small side effect of the Solar Devil spell."

"Given your condition, great hero, I suggest you better take a rest and sit out this battle.This battle shall be our final battle against these freaks. This time, to ensure victory, we, the 3 rulers, will join in the battle as well. We will strike first, hard and quickly and take back Aradon fortess."said Queen Aishasi.

"She is right, Cross.You should take a break here in the city."said Yuki.

"Ahh fine. Under my current condition, I might just get myself killed if I go into battle."

So Cross returned reluctantly to his bedroom while the others prepared for battle.

The 4th Fortess of GromScream Kingdom

Demu looked up at the sky through the window as Yuki came into the room to check on Demu before the attack started.

"You okay,Demu? Perhaps you are just getting nervous about the battle?" asked Yuki, noticing the grimness of Demu's stance.

"Oh Yuki, I didn't expect you. You should be resting"

"Same for you. I have always thought magicians should rest more than warriors since casting spells is more tiring and sword swinging."

"Oh no no, that's not really true. The truth is I can't sleep..You see, I'm thinking about that spell..You known..The Solar Devil."said Demu.....
more tiring and sword swinging."

more titing than sword swinging
more titing than sword swinging

more tiring than sword swinging
it's tiring.cause i mean using magic is more tired than using sword.
"Hmm he perform it several time before this.Each time end up injured and fainted,but this time he did it quite well,at least no bruises this time."said Yuki.

"Do you even know what kind of spell is that?It's one of the Forbidden Royal Blood spell."argued Demu.

"And that is..?"asked Yuki as she lack of knowledge of magic.

"The Forbidden Royal Blood spellbook contain the most powerful spell inside.It's will absorb a great amount of mana that a normal magician cannot provide.An old sage like me was able to cast it once and we run out of mana.If insufficient mana is provide,the user will most probably die."explain Demu in a very serious sound.

"Concept of magic.I found it too hard to understand for an assasin like me."

"Where the hell did Cross found that cursed spell?"asked Demu in a strong demanding voice.

"Waoh,chill down,Demu...Well,you see.I and Cross were orphans.So a band of bounty hunter take care of us and teach us their skill.But strangely,Cross come with a basket with a note inside.That note is this spell.The magicians of the band took 8 years to translate this ancient lauguages.One of the greatest magician,who appear to be as powerful as a sage attempt to cast the spell successful while battle with a band of shadow minions.But just once and the great sage run out of mana.It's an ultimate spell to use so he choose Cross to master it as he was young and could had a good future using it.Thus the note belong to him"explain Yuki.

"Is there other notes than this?"asked Demu.

"No,according to the magicians,this is the only note they found."reply Yuki.

A while later,a horn had been sounded.All units had marched to the front gate.

"We better go.The great battle await us."exclaim Yuki.

Aerioni Castle,12:04

"Lemme explain the strategy.We destroy 3 fortess's crystals locate one on each fortess and the castle fall.Simple.So Gromscream will take the first fortess.Aerioni will destroy the second while Aradon destroy the last.Any question?..No?Good.Let's get moving"explain Strategist ShuGe.

Even traveling in 3 armies,the alliance move silencely.

Gromscream slowly surround the fortess.The patroling Guragami guards did hear some sound coming out of the brush but they ignore it as some wild animal passing by.Unfortunely for them,the "sound"is going to be their doom.

Within Captain Duoax's count,2 centaurs archer shoot the 2 patroling guragami to death.

The a scouting team enter the army with consist of 5 minotaur soldier,2 Seeker,10 goblin and an orge.Captain Duoax follow the scouting team.

Creature info:
Info:It's a weird beast consist of only 1 large eye,a mouth and 2 leg.The seeker was an excellent scout for they can see throught things.They breath through mouth.They are vegetarian.
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // Deleted on author's request]
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // Deleted on author's request]
As our heroes walked into the towers, the smell of death and rotting flesh hung in the air and the floor was very damp for some reason.

"Hmph, those freaks sure have strange habits." mumbled one of the soldiers.

Suddenly, one of the Seekers begun to emit a strange sound, a sound of fear. Followed quickly by another. "What's happening?" demanded Captain Duoax. "Something is moving within these walls." replied the second Seeker.

"Draw your weapons, lads." said Captain Duoax.

As everyone got themselves into battle positions, Captain Duoax hacked the wall beside him with his axe. Blood spurted out of the wall as if the wall contained blood itself. Captain Duoax's instincts told him that there was still more in that wall that his axe missed so he withdrew his axe and prepared to strike again.

Suddenly,the wall burst open and 2 vein-like tentacles struck at the soldiers from out of the wall in a cloud of smoke and dust. The tentacles grabbed 2 minotaur soldiers and swung them into the darkness deeper into the tower. Then the tentacles returned into the wall.

The distance to the thrown minotaurs was far, but the sounds of their comrades' screams of death could easily be heard by the other soldiers. Suddenly, a minotaur skull was thrown back out of the darkness. It shook the entire scout team to the core and broke their morale and willingness to proceed.

"Seeker, can you tell me what's in front of us?" asked the Captain.

"Something terrifying. It looks like a semi-circle made of flesh. But it seems like its vein tentacles have been all embedded into the walls. It can attack us at any time using those appendages." replied the seeker, clearly shakened.

"Veins inside the wall? That means it is immobile.Could it be the MOTHER that Demu mentioned?" the captain asked thoughtfully.

"I suppose that it could be." the seeker answered

Duoax blew his horn. And hundreds of additional soldiers rushed into the castle tower.

"Strange..If this MOTHER knows of our presence. It should gather reinforcements around it to protect itself. But so far, no additional guragami has appeared."

Just after Duoax finished his little speech, the walls beside them collapsed and multiple veins flew forth to strike at the army.

"Archers, get in position and start shooting." commanded Duoax as he drew his sword..

As commanded, the archers all rushed to their positions.They acted as their were trained; to fully focus on their target and ignore all else around them. Meanwhile, the rest of the soldiers attemptted to slash and hack every single incoming vein-tentacle, protecting the archers and letting them do their job.

Duoax quickly found himself caught by one of the veins. He was pulled off his feet and dragged to a wall as more veins wrapped themselves around his limbs, preventing him from cutting himselve free. A tentacle began to transformed itself into the disgusting figure of the upper torso of a guragami and a very bloody figure at that.

"Command your army to stop or you die." demanded the guragami as it morphed its own arm into a sharp spear.

"No, I won't. You guragami are going to lose this war. Your doomsday is nigh." spit the captain

"Then die!"

The guragami stabbed its arm into Captain Duoax's heart.

"FATHER!!!" screamed someone in the army
It turned out to be Duoax's son, Dratu. Dratu was more human-like and he possessed a human's face instead of that of a cow, his body was less muscular and he is of a smaller size than his father.

"Argh... s..son? You have...come at the right time... To see your father one last time." moaned Duoax.

All the soldiers around him were saddened by their leader's death, they all lost their heart for battle.

"My son, take my axes. These soldiers are all good-for-nothings.They need a leader to survive this..." Duoax let out one last scream out load "Hear my words, warriors..My son shall take my place as your leader in this and all upcoming wars."

Then, Duoax's eyes closed for the last time as he passed away to the afterlife. Time seemed to slow for all the soldiers at that moment. The last few seconds of Duoax's life seems to last an eternity for all of them as the memory of their leader etched itself forever in their minds.

The first thought that hit Dratu was that he felt useless; his father was dying and all he can do is watch him die.

"FFFAAATTTHHHEEERR!!!" screamed Dratu, his eyes were filled with tears.

Dratu held his father's dead body tightly as he turned to the Guragami and stared at them with a feeling of pure hate.

He put his father's body down gently and picked up his father's axes. Though they were heavy in his hands, he somehow managed to swing it at the closest guragami with ease. He roared out a loud Roar of Bravery, his family's signature shout.

All the soldiers drew strength from the familiar roar and began to fight more viciously. but despite that, the number of guragami still seemed to be endless while their own number was getting smaller and smaller.

Dratu keep swinging the axes but found himself constantly unbalanced by the weight. He had yet to fully master the method of using the axes. "Push through, my soldiers.We must get nearer to the source of these foul beasts."

The fight was long and hard, but they finally reached the end of the tower. Before them stood a monstrous lump of reddish purple flesh blocking the entrance. It appeared to be breathing and moving, some of its tentacles were buried deep into the ground and the walls around it.

Creature Info:
Creature Info: Out of all the guragami, female guragami are rare and called MOTHER. They can live on forever if not destroyed. Their task is to give birth to other guragami at a very fast rate. Every minute or so, a new guragami can be born by a MOTHER. A MOTHER is placed in its deployment area when young, where it will take root and cannot be moved in the future.

The MOTHER started to talk to Dratu and his soldiers around him as they walked up to it "So, it seems that you have killed all of my children.Bow before me and I may grant you some mercy and not kill you."

But the truth is that the MOTHER was actually very fearful of Dratu and the army .She had slowly and secretly begun to produce a group of guragami out of her tentacles, hoping they can protect her.

But without warning, Dratu drew his axes and hacked the MOTHER with all his might. His blow was so powerful that the wall cracked and the building slowly start to collapse as the MOTHER died.

The army quickly retreated from the destroyed building and Dratu picked up his father's body from where he left it and carried it with him. Dratu was the last to make it out and almost crushed by the falling debris around him.

"Regroup with the main army.Send a message to ask reinforcement from the Gromstream army. Deliver my father's body back to the castle. I want him to have the grandest funeral possible."commanded Dratu.
Chief of Strategy ShuGe seemed to handle things very well after all. His brilliant tactics allowed the armies to kill a great number of the guragami with only a small amount of soldiers lost on their side.

He ordered several groups of soldiers to hide in the forested area allowed them to slowly sneak into the fortress under camouflage. While another group of soldiers were harassing the incoming guragami with guerilla tactics, more soldiers could enter to the fortress through a secret pathway.

This secret pathway was created by ancient Aerioni Mages. The doorway existed a mere couple of feet from the fortress wall. ShuGe did not want the other Kingdoms to know about this portal as this might prove to be their greatest weakness in the future.

ShuGe and the rest of his army arrived at the location of the secret pathway. ShuGe then began to read out a spell written on a scroll to reveal the invisible portal.

As the spell was cast, the air around them started to whirl and form into a small tornado. The winds swirled into a sphere and slowly expanded in size.When the winds started to die down after a while, a portal was revealed within the sphere.

Inside the fortress, the guragami had cornered the soldiers inside.The guragami awaited for more reinforcement to arrive to assist them in finishing the Aerioni soldiers once and for all. But strangely, no such reinforcement had arrived for a long time now, thus creating the en passée between the two forces.

Suddenly, out of the darkness of the archway where reinforcement was expected to arrive from, a rain of arrows fell upon them. The guragami were not prepared or even expecting an attack from the rear and this got them into disarray. But, the Aerioni soldiers they had cornered were prepared for this attack and they all took out their shields and took up a defensive stance.

A large amount of guragami died in the volley of arrows. ShuGe's troops charged forwards and destroyed the queen guragami without any mercy. Trying to be resourceful, ShuGe turned off the crystal, removing power from the fortress.

Finally, at the last tower, Demu, Yuki and the Aradoni army had just arrived.The last tower stood within a large field that was surrounded by mountain cliff-faces, as if it was built inside a hole. Demu and Yuki slowly entered through a narrow valley-way towards the fortress.

Demu's senses alerted him to something unpleasant. It was like something or someone had been waiting them for a long time. As soon as the army fully entered the field where the fortress stood, an large army of guragami leapt out of hiding and surrounded them.

"Damn, an ambush. This is going to be a hard fight." cursed Demu.

So, as the two side started to engage each other, Demu pulled back and started to cast meteor spells and Yuki defended him by quickly killing several guragami with her lighting-fast speed. The whole scene was a sea of chaos.Sea dragons was dragged down with nets and killed, gigantic toads crushed entire squads of guragami every leap they made and flaming meteors fell down from the sky, lighting up the battlefield.

Demu's horse had been wounded by one of the guragami and both sides seemed to be equal in strength. But given that the guragami were continually being reinforced by a endless stream of soldiers, it seemed bad for the Aradoni.

Meanwhile, on top of the one of the mountain cliffs, the swordsman Nero was sleeping soundly. Even with the loud sounds of battle below him, it didn't seem to bother or wake the swordsman. He even snored and rolled over.

Just then, Demu summoned a huge meteor to crush the guragami army. The meteor scrapped the mountain cliff and caused it to fall. Fortunately, Nero leapt away in time and hopped along the falling rock, reaching the battleground below and announcing his entrance by impaling his sword into the ground.
GIve a good bump as resurrection
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