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AuthorComment on Elf Talent - Rain of Arrow
You're kidding, right? Cos wisards are one of the most powerful factions(along with necro and knights)

RoA is useless, exept for mobkilling, in fact, it was so unpopular that the admins made it cheaper so that players would take it.

Honestly, the way ppl are talking here, it's like every time you go into group battles you meet a wall of elves, and each of them has RoA, different favored enemies chosen, and they do nothing but shower you with arrows!
I'm no class expert, but I greatly prefer luck over RoA. RoA is impressive if your opponent(s) have spread out multi stacks of your favoured enemies. I liked that, sure. But I found so many fights where either my favoured targets were one stacked, dead before my hero's turn, or not even present. Not to mention having RoA when fighting another elf is 100% useless.

I haven't done the math, but I would doubt your average damage output could even be close with RoA vs the benefit of luck. Again, I'm no expert ( on this or anything else heh ) but I've had both and I choose luck.
I always seem to see people bashing elves and whining about them being overpowered and stuff. I have both an elf and a barbarian account, and I can tell you right now that everything depends on the skill of the player and pure luck. On my elf account, I've destroyed people yeah, but I've also been mutilated a good many times. On my barbarian account, I've taken down almost every single elf I've ever fought. The game designers did a fine job with everything...if you're losing to elves a lot, there are two possibilities
1) the elves you're fighting are very skillful players
2) you suck at the faction you're playing

As for rain of arrows, I actually find it pretty weak. I mean, wasting a talent on something like letting your hero attack multiple stacks, not that great. For people that say it's too strong for an elf's racial talent...look at some of the other races. What about the Knight's escort? That lets the hero attack an extra time every time somebody attacks you! Escort > Rain of Arrows by far.
The list of simply principles of an elv.
1. Elv is ALWAYS a scapegoat/goat.
2. Even if an elv is a tiger of the team, he's still a goat/scapegoat.
3. Elven Bowmen ALWAYS die first, even if they act after skeletons, magi, shrews and genies, orcs and crossbowmen are out of competing.
4. Elv is always a cheater
5. Elv has to attack even if the team is defending.
6. Elv is always an idiot, cause his druids casted stoneskin on forest keepers/elite forest keepers and not on wolf riders/gargoyles/zombies/swordsmen/incendiaries
7. Elv has no right to argue with Necros/Dark Elves on his team, cuz they don't care who to stonespike/poison.
8. Friendship between Forest Elves and Dark Elves is a myth. In group battles these races are trying to kill each other off with the maximum speed.
9. If after the first acting of enemy heroes, elven bowmen are still alive that means: Either Disconnect, or Hallucinations cuz of sauce from mushrooms, or there is one more Forest elv on the team.
10. If the team with the elv wins the battle, this is a merit of partners.
11. If the team with the elv loses the battle, it is elv's fault.
(c) dArtagnan
Special thanks for Arctic for help with translating.
Rain of arrows can be highly effective and borderline overpowered, but only on specific situations, which lacks reliability.

About the whole elves are powerful thingie, here's my 2 cents:

Elven bowman and druids attack 1st 90% of the time. which means that the opposing team wil never fight at 100%, because some of their unitsw are dead from the get go. This is, in my view, what causes elves to be seen as overpowered.

Having said that, the only unit that is actually dangerous are the bowmen. they deal a ton of damage, and have enough arrows to last the whole game. Druids on the other hand, are not much of a problem. They are only annoying because of the stoneskin thingie. Other than that, it's better to let them be and focus on the other units. Soon enough they'll run out of magic, which renders them quite useless, except as dummies to cover for bowmen.

If you want to talk overpowered, let's talk Magic Arrow then =)
Elven bowman and druids attack 1st 90% of the time. which means that the opposing team wil never fight at 100%, because some of their unitsw are dead from the get go. This is, in my view, what causes elves to be seen as overpowered.

lol.. the opposing range always fight at 100% coz coz elven bowman act after skeletons, magi, shrews and genies, orcs and crossbowmen. so who will never fight at 100%?
for HanHan:
crossbowmen never act b4 elven bowmen.
Ops yeah, but the other still act first.. lol..
I think all the whining about elves have a lot to do with the fact that there are fewer people whose good at attack under range disadvantage. The skill of defending with range advantage is much more easier to master.

In fact, it's not really that easy for elves to win. If you hit the wrong units with your bowman for a couple of times, then your tropes will quickly be run over by the more robust units of factions like deamon, nec, or knight.

The main thing is still that many people are afraid of range units. I've had a team mate who sacrifised 11 fk on a stack of just 1 gremlins. There are many players like this who will attack any range units regardless of the cost.
"If you want to talk overpowered, let's talk Magic Arrow then =)"

That is a really true say. Magic Arrow is a devasting spell with wizards and dark elves at level 5. it does well over the amount of damage that magic punch does and only costs 4 mana. u tell me whats better a spell that can get rid of an entire stack of elven bowmen, or a talent that attacks multiple stacks and usually wont kill those stacks unless their split into 1's.
"If you want to talk overpowered, let's talk Magic Arrow then =)"

That is a really true say. Magic Arrow is a devasting spell with wizards and dark elves at level 5. it does well over the amount of damage that magic punch does and only costs 4 mana. u tell me whats better a spell that can get rid of an entire stack of elven bowmen, or a talent that attacks multiple stacks and usually wont kill those stacks unless their split into 1's.

Quoted for truth.
"If you want to talk overpowered, let's talk Magic Arrow then =)"

That is a really true say. Magic Arrow is a devasting spell with wizards and dark elves at level 5. it does well over the amount of damage that magic punch does and only costs 4 mana. u tell me whats better a spell that can get rid of an entire stack of elven bowmen, or a talent that attacks multiple stacks and usually wont kill those stacks unless their split into 1's.

Agree, elven bowman is strong but after 1st turn have been gone.. +.+
but if magic arrow always can use until that player die or the mana gone.

from start battle with full troops until the just left 1 troops they still can attack with the same damage.. wow..
"You're kidding, right? Cos wisards are one of the most powerful factions(along with necro and knights)"

First time ever saw a player consider knight to be a powerful faction
What can I say... Starting with 9lvl elf has not the ghost of a chance against barbs, knights with some brain and right equip and against mages even without it. On 5-9lvl elves are mid faction with some advantages in mobkilling. So stop whimper and try to think during a PvP sometimes.
Yeah , I agree with those saying that Magic Arrow is too strong , because I too think that it is too cheap (4 mana) . I think it should be raised to at least 5 mana or have the damage done reduced .

I also think that for Rain of Arrows and Escort to not be extremely overpowered , the damage done for each should be reduced to 100% instead of 150% or whatever .

BTW , the principles of Elves written by Kush and translated by Arctic is quite funny , if not downright hilarious for a lot of it is true ! Haha , I guess that is the consequence of 'cheating' ! (look up number 4 of the principles )
And I do not believe those who say that Rain of Arrows will lose its effectiveness in higher levels .

Oh , come on ! If you can deal multiple damage to multiple stacks in just ONE turn without losing mana (as in using magic) , it is way better and overpowered , even if you didn't manage to kill anything .

Conclusion : Rain of Arrows is just too powerful . Downsize the damage dealt from 150% to 100% , or even better , down to 50% , like archers's volley ability .
And I do not believe those who say that Rain of Arrows will lose its effectiveness in higher levels .

Oh , come on ! If you can deal multiple damage to multiple stacks in just ONE turn without losing mana (as in using magic) , it is way better and overpowered , even if you didn't manage to kill anything .

Conclusion : Rain of Arrows is just too powerful . Downsize the damage dealt from 150% to 100% , or even better , down to 50% , like archers's volley ability

lol.. why you not said down to 10% too? i think more batter for you.. lol..
Raid of arrows? i have been tryed and i think not good use that even have damage more than 100%. why? so simple, just think by yourself.. :p
well, this topic is talking on Rain of Arrow, dont out topic to the entire elf faction bashing.

I also think that for Rain of Arrows and Escort to not be extremely overpowered , the damage done for each should be reduced to 100% instead of 150% or whatever .

as you mention in previous post, rain of arrow cost nothing: no mana needed, no ATB, nothing. but you still get bonus dmg to deal on multiple stacks. the more stacks opponents split, the more dmg you did.

do you know what escort cost? each escort attack cost 0.1 ATB on hero to exchange with 50% bonus for 1 attack. perhaps someone didnt understood how big the difference with 0.1 ATB.

for me, that 0.1 ATB can mess up my tactic sometimes when i need a good timing to buff my troops. also, if too much escort attacks were done, i might find my hero missing on ATB LOL and that's totally screwed up when i need my hero to do something ;p

escort is good in late battle and everyone left only 1-2 stacks. escort will show the power at that time. but, rain of arrow show its power in the early until mid battle while they are still alot multi stacks on battlefield.
hmm evry one is just scared of ranged units thats why elfs are ''overpowerd''
But fine make 1 faction be worthless then so lets do it to em all heres a few examples undead raise dead should make the stack have 90% life reduct right? whats next knights escord should go up to 4.0 ATB right huh next up wizards dark elfs magic arrow 4 mana make it 30 just to be fair or is the game then ruind like the elf faction will be.

cant handle elfs means you got bad tactics or just outa luck in most case`s because mostly elfs take luck
just my 2 cents:
from what i think when an elf reach lvl 6 which i am now elf are amonrg the weakest faction compare to wizard, knight, dark elf, and necro.

rain of arrow only usefull for neutral creature thats if they are spread out in to multiple group which normally only 2 group unless u ask for hunters help.

besides that is during 3vs3 with none of your apponent being elf faction.

except all that i think advance luck is much much more usefull. and the ability to cast bless to ur FK or elvan dealt with much more damaged.
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