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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Rats, this time you got in first Meshy but I cannot delete me post!
"Bobby Davro"
That's revenge for the other day. :D
2 Diamonds from pirate raids ? :O
I didn't know we get that.
Only for those who truly deserve it
Can I ask how many diamonds you looted Meshy? :D
0 :(
Good, then it means you're not some filthy deserving thief!
Maybe I can be worthy one day
meshy will always be messy
Why did EFL compete against A&D :(
Sad to see this sort of stuff. Glad I was busy yesterday.
because they wanted to fight a clan they could hope to win against? :p
win against A&D? what good will that so called "win" do - diverge the .com community?
there is a community? :O
Are people not fighting over 8k?
I assumed there is
There is what?
Player banned by moderator Meshy until 2018-12-31 10:13:45 // FR#1.7//Additional characters are not allowed to post in main forum
Oops did you want the 8000th post?
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