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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
diamonds over gold
Only if that was applicable for ABC too
Someone ever bought a PoS with Diamonds? 2 Diamonds.
Yep always.. i donates 10 diamond always so i get to use PoS 5 times for STs and CGs.
donates 10 diamonds to who? you mean spend it.
I donate to this game, as a bonus i receive diamond resource, that i spend :P
better now ;p
Do you guys think borrowing gold and not giving it back for a while (just waiting to friend says its a gift) isnt scamming ?
Well it's definitely against the rules and unfair on your friend.

Especially if they end up getting sick of waiting and just end up turning loan to gift.
And if its not only once but miltiple times ...
fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me...
A real friend takes the necessary steps to pay back one way or another.
Luck befalls Anchorites!
Anchorites deal critical damage to favoured enemy.
Anchorites deal 804 damage to Frontier ursary. 27 perish.

That was just '10' anchorites at 'CG'.
Can't believe 10 of them can deal such massive dmg xD why i didn't make elf my main faction :P
anchos have always been deadly tho..
Didn't know GOT was inspired from some wars in England around 13-14th century :O
War of the roses I imagine
Yeah o.o
I would have thought they drew more inspiration from the time where the king would swap his wife every week.
Henry the 8th was a few years after war of the roses:)
If 13th-14th century then it is probably the hundred years war between England and France. This then led onto the war of the Roses, but by then it was into the 15th century.
14th - 15th century I guess then..
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