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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
4th beaver. Whattaday.
Congrats bro!
Maybe they violated
That does not mean I should have negative gold and pay for it. How was I supposed to know that they will leave ?
but you did not lose anything, right? For buying anything, you can ask someone to buy it for you and send it to you so that you can pay him later.
yep, would be unfair only if you got extra penalty imo
It's easy come easy go. It would be unfair if you profited from the guy just giving you all his gold then leaving.

This way, on balance, you're at 0.
except having zero gold and being with negative balance puts you in very different circumstances..
except having zero gold and being with negative balance puts you in very different circumstances..
Exactly !
I cant buy ABC or any mount and stuff.
Cant play roulette (Which is a punishment for a gambler when he did nothing wrong)
Before that fine.. how much had you taken in loans?
actually he could not have any more loans according to the rules, maybe thats why he was fined and got a fairly relaxed penalty.

Since he is level 11, so I could have loaned 110k at max.
But he got that from one player and more loan from others in the same month.
2018-08-27 11:54: Player was imposed a penalty of 110000 gold. // от Девушка Ленина
2018-08-23 10:04: Received 15000 Gold from Эрик Картман: В долг на неделю

Guess this is the reason for penalisation.
Poop, 5 day ABC died. Rip.
It's 15,000*CL
oh loans is 15k * cl
I thought gifts was 15k*cl and loans 10k*cl
So max limit = 15k*11 = 165k
Still there was violation:
2018-08-27 11:54: Player was imposed a penalty of 110000 gold. // от Девушка Ленина
-took 15 days back

2018-08-23 10:04: Received 15000 Gold from Эрик Картман: В долг на неделю
-total 125k

2018-08-22 16:20: Received 5000 Gold from Jakones: к долгу - итого 80 000 округлил
-total 205k

2018-08-19 06:23: Received 20000 Gold from Askel: в долг на неделю ,топор под залог
-total 225k

and many more small loans.
He got saved that he did not have to pay 2x on the extra loan that he had taken lol
He got saved that he did not have to pay 2x on the extra loan that he had taken lol

I have taken quite the time to notice that the rules written in English server are somehow wrong.
It should mean that a player of a given CL can take 15000 * CL gold from a particular player. Since I have seen many good enough and famous character from Russian server do it since a long time. Taking loans way over their limit and I have never been penalized for that ever.

Hozz took way too much loans from a single person and that's the reason for penalty. Give me any other cases if you can for loans over limit from different people.
for kulala:
sorry but thats just not true. You can't be serious when you claim that because it would mean it is possible to be in unlimited debt and you only need to worry about other people's limits.

No, it does not matter if they go over their limits to loan you. That would affect them, not you. What causes you penalty is only your own debt, as it exceeds the 15000 * CL gold limit.

From 3.14
Maximum size of debt that can be owed to all other players in total is 15,000 * [Combat level] gold.
^Have another read, especially the "all other players" part.

Also, if you are trying to argue that there are plenty of people who did not get penalty for doing the same thing you did, then that doesn't make your penalty unfair.. its just the case of ineffecient monitoring/enforcement.
Checked the rules on .ru... it definitely doesn't say what you're claiming.. unless you're really going down the route of saying "Well the rules are wrong!"
Give me any other cases if you can for loans over limit from different people.
Bet you don't want to know about someone's name starting from "K" and ending in "a", although it doesn't already exist but might be added into the list of those names in future if someone complains about that guy. Wanna try that though?
So you guys are saying that its better I got less penalty than being imposed a penalty for loans over limit.
But suppose the same happens with a guy who takes loans in limit and he will be imposed penalty like this.
Then is his negative gold justified ? Of course the admins wont see if he has loans over limit or not.. they will just impose penalty if a case like this happens.
You did not get less penalty. This is how it should work.. There is never an acceptable level of leniency for offenders! =))

The negative gold is due to your balance being close to zero. At your level, you shouldn't be sitting around with zero gold :p
Besides, there is no point of making discussion here unless you want for people to enjoy this. If you honestly think you have a solid argument then go to the appeals committee.
If you honestly think you have a solid argument then go to the appeals committee.

They simply deny the request. I am confident.

I am just discussing here for the people who want to give their views in my support or most probably against me.
The negative gold is due to your balance being close to zero. At your level, you shouldn't be sitting around with zero gold :p
Its my choice whether I stay at negative gold or not but why negative when I have done nothing wrong. (For once assume overlimit of loans and talk about which broken rule does my penalty refer to?)
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