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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
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i'm out for now flooding makes me hungry and thirsty lol

Your turn now, no name
Add - (-3x+7) + (-8x*2+3x-6)?

say me the answer !!
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yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........

yay...i got the new page........
- (-3x+7) + (-8x*2+3x-6)?

for Hewrin: OK !
_ ... and growing
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i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

i need the next page...please leave it to me......

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i need the next page...please leave it
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he he he .. .. ..
Aradael is my brother.
01-10-10 Level 1
01-22-10 Level 2
01-23-10 Level 3
01-28-10 Level 4
/Long break/
06-06-10 Level 5
06-29-10 Level 6
07-07-10 Level 7
---------Best Fight---------
https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=490856228 (A full art thief vs me minimal arts. Never saw a combat that close!)

Closest MG yet: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=490778745 (LVL 7)

who's this??
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welcome moonhunter......
The awake of the flooder? We are many, now.
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