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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Yes if you have not built the castle construction...

No it's for everyone.
Anyone knows any resources that explains how experience at end of battles are calculated?
Holiday tomorrow. hope there's some good event.
for -_NO--NAME_-:
Hunting gives 5 times less combat experience if compared to PVP
^^ found from about the game

So each creature has an assigned experience value, for example 1 goblin gives 1 exp, for example yesterday I did a gogs raid, killed 180 gogs at 2.6 each and gained 468 exp. So if those 180 gogs were killed in PVP i would recieve 2340 exp

As for caps in battles such as defence I am not sure
Starting to build barb :)
I understand. Usually such cap levels will be calculated by some Russian nerds and a reference will be available.. No idea why there is nothing for experience
Basic constructions are all done except that swinging strike :D
After 2 great days (Day of the Adventurer and Day of Recruiting) they give us Day of Quick Battles and Day of Teleporting...What a joke :|
Teleporting is great! Instant travel makes LG much easier.
Instant travel is not that bad but it could have been much better since i was free for the whole day...I wanted something like quick hunts/quick mg or maybe a day related to LG when you get extra wage or lg points :p
If you're a CG fan, teleportation can be fun to use ;)
So i won't compare this day at all to shitty day like yesterday
Not a big CG fan tbh but i've been playing a lot these days just to reach CG 2 xD
one of the best day for a cg player, amazing day.
Oh well no one created a thread this time heh :D
Happy 72th Indian Independence Day ! :D
one of the best day for a cg player, amazing day.

especially good for factions that have nothing better to do with hero)
for kulala:

Happy independence!
Happy 72th Indian Independence Day !
Elf: 10 (7777.10) +1822.9
I want to earn only 0.67 FSP now. any idea how to get exactly that much?

A monster battle should provide me with 0.55 fsp right?
Elf: 10 (7777.65) +1822.3
0.12 FSP more
lose a TG badly.. or MG

or ask for hunt assistance and kill very less
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