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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Should quit now :D
Why so mean aziel :(
he spoke what he felt but yeah that was rude
for kulala:
Hey, if you write because you like writing then you shouldn't care so much about what others say :)
Elf: 10 (9591.69) +8.3

Oho, gratz :D Also you're almost barb 6 huh.
Thanks :D
Yeah barb 6 almost done...Next would be knight 6
shubh got my back xD
Premier league is back :D
shubh got my back xD

Only lost 2 (came 2nd) in the BF Tournament :P
One because I had to go somewhere and so Auto Battle.
Another because I had to face a human Knight with FSL 9 :|
In 11 battles :P
Only lost 2 (came 2nd) in the BF Tournament :P

nice=) So now we know you good at backstabbing :D
I simply don't hit the AI even if it starts hitting me :P
And those guardians keep standing till the end

I feel like this one's the best :D
Check it out please :D :D :D :D
I have full DE castle and like to play it too.. But I am never comfortable with TDE.. Seems strange and weak to me lol ?
Why is transfer feature not allowed during combats ? o.O
8 battles left and only need 32 points for gold..
I will try auto for 2-3 battles and see if I can come at least 2nd.. then its good :D
Desperately trying to run as knight even when has less than half of my troops ~_~
Some players are too annoying
So quiet here
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