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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Did the mofo astrologers predict any thieves day? Or it has already happened?
Lol not yet
Some people just can't take a joke ^^
Maturity level 0
Yes surely some can't.
And some people can't stop annoying others for loans through illegal activities.
The moment you said it's illegal was whwre I didn't want to do it anymore..
My next messages where " Why not you? :)"
Do you really think they were non sarcastic? Well then you're sad :D
Guys keep it cool here
Leave out the dissing for the other sections of the forum
honestly I was expecting that he'd just take part in the joke since I considered him a friendly guy lol :P
But well..
Jokes are funny till they don't offend anyone
Joke with me, you'll find my sense of humor quite acceptable lol
I'll give him his answer once I confirm it :)
The thing on which he was being grumpy about and blacklisted me xD
confirm it
confirm what?

blacklisted me
check again. I blacklisted you only for 4-5 minutes so that I could stop you from a conversation I wasn't interested in.

considered him a friendly guy
If someone stays friendly and doesn't send annoying mails, I always stay friendly with him.
confirm what?
You'll know when I tell you :P

check again. I blacklisted you only for 4-5 minutes so that I could stop you from a conversation I wasn't interested in.
Or you could just say the same thing in the message :)

If someone stays friendly and doesn't send annoying mails, I always stay friendly with him.
I was not rude at all and my fun is annoying to, you just need to say that on my face once :)
I was not rude at all and if my fun is annoying to you, you just need to say that on my face once :)
I was not rude at all
you weren't but you were annoying at that time bro.

you just need to say that on my face once
I haven't interacted with you much but if that was your "fun" then yes it is "annoying" for me.
2.6. The forum is not designed for personal discussions. If your messages do not concern other players, use private mail instead.

Keep it out of the forums guys, nobody wants to read your vague little cat fight.
yeah, sorry :P
for Wonderla:
You're an old flooder, you should know better bud

for kulala:
Don't annoy people xD

Lets start some different conversation now.

How is the tournament going for you guys ?
I just played 1, came third :p
I just played 1, came third :p

Played 1, came 2nd. Don't wanna buy diamonds just to rush shadow barb castle (they are definitely top for event at my level). Gonna do a couple event battles with mirror of change and see how that goes. :D
Won't be playing. Completely imbalanced last time and little has been done to fix it, it's not about spirit but AI ignoring some factions. I don't even know who could have voted for that tournament type because the best strategy is just click defend and pray you won't be attacked.
just click defend and pray you won't be attacked.
Apologies for bringing it into forum.
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