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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Day of the quick tournaments

kulala would be very happy :p
Then you become one of those people who thinks they are funny, but in reality are quite sad. :)

Except nobody really is funny or sad like you would claim, it is just a matter of opinion. Roulette is a part of the game, an important part for some, whether you can accept it or not. Personally i think its only worthy of contempt when the person in question starts begging gold from others to satisfy his roulette addiction after getting themself broke.

I have lost a friend or two, hopelessly addicted and broke who relied on gifts/loans... or begging even to carry on betting and when i noticed this perpetual trend, i refused to give anything. But its not so simple really, a person who is accustomed to receiving will have built different expectations, and it can become a nasty thing when you refuse them. In the end, i think i might have been too harsh but i do not regret it and probably am much better for it.
for Expert_BOT:
Of course XD
Although it would be better if it was on a weekend :(
How are you all? Haven't been in FT in ages, I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer so far! :D

What if you play this game only for roulette? ))

Then you become one of those people who thinks they are funny, but in reality are quite sad. :)

That is quite a strong way to put it mesh-mesh. I actually wrote a couple of paragraphs on philosophy right now but I deleted it because it's somewhat of an overly deep breakdown of why what you said is very unwise. The only thing I would like to say, however, is that people are far more complicated than you think if you think that 1) you can so trivially discover a person's deep reality of sadness, and 2) you can lump one guy together as "one of those people" based on such a trivial interest. I would recommend you to ask "why" more and start with the assumption that someone else's life philosophy isn't inferior to yours. Don't take this as an insult or anything, but I really recommend you to think more about society-constructed subjective ideas you and many others believe to be objectively correct or superior. I have changed a lot as a person since I started doing that and believe that I have become better because of that, not materially but in terms of understanding others and myself psychologically.
for Hello Haters:
And you noob, do you realize spending years betting and luckily winning 2 million on roulette (and then losing it) isn't something to brag about? :P
Welp, seems like you got blocked anyway... bye Hello Haters >.<
I meant sad as in I feel sad for you. I know personally about philosophical side of gamblers :)
for Meshy:
for virtual_vitrea:

Why did you hide your roulette stats? Is it so bad that you don't want others to know about it? :p
Why did you hide your roulette stats? Is it so bad that you don't want others to know about it? :p

I did that because I could. :D

I was gambling on a different game, real money too with no real win :P
Roulette is a legit strategy for a brand new account. Put a single-number bet with all your starting money and create a new account if you fail :P

Of course, it'll only work if you stopped touching roulette after your first bet.
for sareth:

Cool Achievements dude :)
Sometimes it does work like right now I have made good profit in roulette but of course if I continue playing recklessly I won't take time to make it disappear.
I believe it's impossible to get an opinion on roulette on which everyone will agree. Some believe it's waste of money while some consider it fun. All we need to do is keep our view to ourselves and don't judge others for whatever perspective they have.
too tiring event -_-
Like for an instance check my roulette profit at the moment :)
The stats speak that I made 1,491,506 profit from 20.06 - 21.07

Thanks :P used to have 430+ gold medals actually, havent actively played this game in a long time and more and more people started taking my records
(which is good because some of my records are still easily beatable)
Roulette is a legit strategy for a brand new account. Put a single-number bet with all your starting money and create a new account if you fail :P

Of course, it'll only work if you stopped touching roulette after your first bet.

I actually did that long ago when I had too much time lol. Made 38 accounts, got them to lev 2 and collected 2k gold, then bet on all the 38 straight ups. One of the accounts then won 72k :D
Only if I wouldn't have lost 6 battles in this event man :P
I would be on first position or maybe top 5 :P
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