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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
do you guys remember the link to stats calculator made by one of the .com players?
Are my talents good ?
I have seen people with rally on my level.. although its expensive
Take rally
Battle fury with +2 luck.. I guess that means a lot for Might DE than some extra troops?
Take rally
cannot find the rally

Woah fully enchanted dwarf AI on my side.. Went with normal arts just to check my luck xD
why would you join without a single enchant? Then you complain when you get a teammate like that when it is you who is with enchants.
Because sometimes I have seen people like this join and get a fully enchanted good AI and they win xD
So I thought what's wrong in making profit :P

And I'm not against people who come without enchants.. Its generally if they come in min AP or stupid arts or some wrong arrangement of troops.
Shoulda worn enchants and you woulda won :P
Needed gold xD
and I know my luck.. If I would have wore enchants I wouldn't have got that fully enchanted teammate xD

Got another estate license on eagle nest in campaign :D
Feels like this time I'm playing 1v1 QT actually XD

I went with full enchants
first 3 battles all full enchanted enemies too.. and I won :P
2 left
Wow the other guy that reached final has only 4 enchants :P
I guess he was on the lucky side of the tournament xD
and I know my luck.. If I would have wore enchants I wouldn't have got that fully enchanted teammate xD

when the logic is terrible :p
We can't zoom into the districts in the new map?
why do u need to zoom? to count the villagers?
88 + 99
Anyone played Pokemon crater or vortex?
It shows the number of people in every map location. The same could be installed here and it can help in thief ambushes &#129321;
for virtual_vitrea:
No, to see which facility is controlled by which clan. I've seen many clan having 3 facilities in a district but I can't find the fourth facility holder easily without browsing through multiple facilities :p
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