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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
for Mega Demon:
i don't have a bad log :'(
last two days have been tough on me
before that i lost 4 in 17 battles
n i think it was because of afk..
Everyone have their bad days,just don't give up :)
Lol speaking of bad.. I did a CG the other day where my charmer partner forgot to equip their bow and dagger / shield.
I did a CG the other day where my partner forgot to play!
just don't give up
its better I study for my exams now :P
take a break from CG
it is just getting worse
Man so glad I'm done with exams..
for Niranjan:
knight has no chance at lv 18, and at lv 16 I don't think knight have a chance if I'm using dwarf. dwarf shooters are too strong now, you have to charge toward them, and guardians get kicked forever in the midway.
however I can image how those dwarves lost: invokers hit happily with hydra rune but find himself dealing little damage and die in a vain, spearman hit happily with double shot but find himself dealing little damage too and run out of ammo quickly, bear kicked something but find himself surrounded and forced to use resurrection rune, therefore those guardians with rapid and bless crushing everything easily.
Man so glad I'm done with exams..
Wait what!! I thought u were some old guy xD
Lol I'm 23. :P
Me 18 in 1 month
I'll turn 10 in a few days
College at age of 10 is great :)
Does anyone know since when am I playing this game ? xD
Probably 10 years?
I have first played this game in 2007/08.

Does anyone know since when am I playing this game ? xD

After 2010 i suppose
I have been playing for 9+ years.Took a gap in between and forgot password of my old char :( .
Since 2008
And UEIH this game started 2008 only :P
I'll turn 10 in a few days

This would explain a lot of things.. :P
And UEIH this game started 2008 only :P

Who remembers the correct years always :p
I knew either Meshy or VV would make that comment xD
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