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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Shouldn't it give rare artifact of low durability in accordance with the hero's combat level too :/

When I translated the announcement, this popped into my head too. But alas, not to be. I will pass Beliar this feedback and I hope they fix it for next year. I am not sure if this was intentional or not.
Yes ofc, knockback is so useful
I am level 8 :P
Not frontier ursary, the normal dwarven ursary
When I translated the announcement, this popped into my head too. But alas, not to be. I will pass Beliar this feedback and I hope they fix it for next year. I am not sure if this was intentional or not.

Would be nice if it gets implemented :D
Will there by a CL 23 ever ?
Anything that we can do to make it come before the salvation ?
Hit max xp
Is there any shortcut to that ?
Don't blow all your gold on roulette so you can afford to do events
But events aren't a faster way to CL 23 ?
Better I spam GB and QTs :P
Don't break the loan limits and get banned either :P
Enroll 11 and 1 hunt
Become rich then play everything.
Isn't the 11th enrol with workaholic penalty?
Yeah I think so.
I just keep on enrolling whole day and when workholic penalty comes I hunt.
So probably at 11th enroll penalty comes
I just keep on enrolling whole day and when workholic penalty comes I hunt.
That's amazing, where did you get that idea ? :P
Inspired by the song Fear by Ian brown and our very own Meshy please come up with your most inventive suggestions for the acronym cba which I shall dub as

CBA (Creating Banal Acronyms)
LG 8 atlast -.-
Great !

No one noticed grif got 6666 post :(
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