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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
My college farewell is going on and people are dancing all over the place and I'm here reading forums xD
Ahh and don't think I'm some 18 yr old kid with no friends xD
It's my engineering farewell anyways :P
M I alone here who doesn't like to dance or is there someone else to comfort me :P
M I alone here who doesn't like to dance or is there someone else to comfort me :P
I had my college's annual party a month ago, all of my friends went except me lol.
Also there have been few more events and I went to none of them xD
Ahh and don't think I'm some 18 yr old kid with no friends xD

Just some 20 year old kid with no friends xD ? :P
I think he's 21-22 :P
Well if u see engineering takes 4 years to complete so nope I'm not a kid sort of anymore :P

Well i did one thing whole time, that was looking at people dance (not stare and people means guys and girls) xD
Get drunk, find a nice girl and dance.

Or boy, whatever floats your boat :P
He is an engineer, so what floats his boat is the displacement of water
I thought what floats his boat is it not being very dense? :P
that was looking at people dance
I find even that boring :P
Whenever there's a party, I just chill out at my home :D
When there's free food you will find me there :P

Get drunk, find a nice girl and dance.
Great idea but I don't drink and there were no drinks there either.
And about girls I don't know how to get one ._.
And about girls I don't know how to get one ._.
Dont get one :P
Well yeah it's better not to have one :P
Why sudden rise in element prices ?
Because new PoT art coming and needs enchants ??
Maybe anticipating a great new mage art from temporal set after event
yes lvl 30 done, not a vig deal but yes!!
Wut the hell there are ppl of lvl 5 who have reached till lvl 88 of POT -.-
The event is much easier for lower level people
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