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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
I hope you have stronger will in real life tbh
fun facts of roulette

Last spin time: 22:10:00

Ball landed on 0
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
1,600NiranjanCorner 25, 26, 28, 290
1,200NiranjanNumbers 0, 00, 214,400
1,200NiranjanSplit 35, 360
1,562NiranjanStreet 25-270
1,438NiranjanStraight up 240
1,438NiranjanStraight up 240
2,800NiranjanSplit 14, 170

Last spin time: 22:20:00

Ball landed on 30
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
6,400Niranjan2nd Column0
1,200NiranjanCorner 4, 5, 7, 80
2,000NiranjanStraight up 240
1,800NiranjanCorner 20, 21, 23, 240
1,600NiranjanStraight up 170
3,000NiranjanStraight up 140
Last spin time: 22:30:00

Ball landed on 11
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
1,300NiranjanStreet 25-270
1,200NiranjanSplit 3, 000
1,446NiranjanSixline 31-360
2,500NiranjanSplit 14, 170
Last spin time: 22:40:00

Ball landed on 2
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
1,324NiranjanStreet 22-240
1,400NiranjanCorner 20, 21, 23, 240
1,100NiranjanSplit 7, 80
1,500NiranjanCorner 28, 29, 31, 320
6,173NiranjanStraight up 240
2,500NiranjanSplit 14, 170
1,600NiranjanNumbers 0, 00, 1, 2, 311,200

Last spin time: 22:50:00

Ball landed on 32
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
2,000NiranjanStraight up 240
2,000NiranjanSplit 14, 170

Last spin time: 23:00:00

Ball landed on 33
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
1,200NiranjanCorner 25, 26, 28, 290
800NiranjanCorner 4, 5, 7, 80
2,200NiranjanSplit 14, 170
1,200NiranjanStraight up 240
2,000NiranjanCorner 20, 21, 23, 240
Last spin time: 23:10:00

Ball landed on 32
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
1,000NiranjanStraight up 170
1,300NiranjanNumbers 0, 00, 1, 2, 30
1,500NiranjanStraight up 240
2,000NiranjanStraight up 170
2,000NiranjanStraight up 140
Last spin time: 23:20:00

Ball landed on 32
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
1,043NiranjanStraight up 000
1,000NiranjanStraight up 240
2,500NiranjanSplit 14, 170
500NiranjanStraight up 230

Last spin time: 23:30:00

Ball landed on 25
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
1,000NiranjanStraight up 230
6,000NiranjanSplit 14, 170
3,000NiranjanStraight up 240
1,051NiranjanStraight up 000
Notice how i placed bets on 14,17,24 at every spin & also on spins before that
but too much copy pasting
this was the last bet as i was out of money
wanna guess the next number?

23:40aaaa2,014,955aaaa 14

Oh yeah!
i wish this was the first time it happened :'(
3,000Optimus - PrimeStraight up 26108,000

I was betting 6k then I thought to control myself -_-"
3.14. There are limits for transfers intended as loans. Maximum size of debt that can be owed to all other players in total is 15,000 * [Combat level] gold.

Wonder if I should put in a ban for you under this rule? :P
I hope you have stronger will in real life tbh
I do but rn I need some gold to repair arts so thought just some money I'll get then I'll stop.
I was betting on 2 the whole time and when my gold got over it landed on 2 twice -_-
Don't worry once I reach 100k I'll stop roulette "."
Well there's no use of crying now :/
Meshy, Is that the rule?
I've seen a lot of high level players taking around a million of gold total in loans.. And therefore I understood from it that loan from one player to another must not exceed that limit.. Not to all other players I guess
Well it's under the rules section so... yes it's a rule. :P
I'm back now
Time to build some elf resistance *.*
Can I do hunt and mg with lvl 8 troops?
And is normal elf good or charmer elf for my lvl with unicorns
I would say normal
And is normal elf good or charmer elf for my lvl with unicorns
Don't have much idea but I guess for PvE normal elf is way better and charmer is preferred for PvP
Algor has so much better FSL than Noldor in all factions
Haha none of you noobs are ever gonna stop roulette, so stop lying to yourself :P

Since you guys are talking about roulette, I think I will share two most memorable incidents that happened to me (though many many interesting things happened in roulette over the years for me.

1) This was AGES ago. I was pretty new to roulette and betting big and my hero (not this one) was lev 10. I believe this was ~7-8 years ago. For the first time I made it big in roulette and decided to keep betting 10k each spin on 34. After betting many times, perhaps 15-20 (doesn't sound like a lot, but count 10 min for each spin and the suspense factor). I though 34 would never come and switched to something else by more of a gut feeling (27). Then right before the result came I thought to myself the cliche-est thing which could happen. I thought hah wouldn't it be hilarious if 34 came now? I tried to laugh out the thought but I was getting slightly nervous and trying to convince myself no way that could happen. And then 34 came. Just to clarify, that meant a loss of 360k. At this point I'll be happy/sad at most about 360k gold but back then when I was pretty new it was a mind blowing devastation, especially given how incredibly unlikely something this cliche and dramatic happening was.

2) This one's a bit happier. I don't remember exactly but I think I was level 14 by this time (in this acc). So this was not THAT long ago but easily a couple of years ago. I hadn't bet in a while and collected about 14k, just enough to make a max bet. Something annoying happened irl that day and just out of frustration I bet 14k on 34 (same number as last example lol) even though it took me a while to save up. Typically when you bet straights you should at least have ~30 bets worth of gold to begin with, betting with only one bet worth of gold is obviously stupid. It was one of those times I thought after betting "Oh well, what's the point of checking what came any way? I should just move on." And as you expected, 34 came. Seeing your gold go up from 0 to 504k in just one refresh is pretty amazing and definitely served as a great stress relief!
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