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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
for virtual_vitrea:

To me it looks like warhammer 40k sort of thing - sort of an orc in power armour

alternatively it may be warcraft inspired (which I am sure was itself inspired by warhammer)

All of which were originally inspired by Tolkein or course
Yeah it can be Warcraft
Dota 1 character maybe o.O

that combined with the fact that his name is Trall makes me think it's 100% thrall from warcraft
Interesting. I thought it was a mix of undead (vampire) and some heavily armored class.
yup its from warcraft.
I knew i had seen it somewhere :p
not so long ago there movie about warcraft as well
Yes there was, I suppose 2-3 yrs ago!?
Oh god, the whole day internet was off today here -_-"
Meshy gains 23093 exp, 1.5 CG points and 13.2 skill points (1750).
grif gains 20300 exp, 1.5 CG points, +1 attack armament for Ghosts and 14.65 skill points (1386).
gains 4905 exp, 1.5 CG points and 4.04 skill points (1215).
well well, that's awesome. Welcome to the wonderful world of CG Mesh :)
why did the toilet paper not cross the road?
because the chicken didn;t wipe it's bum?
because it got stuck in a crack halfway through :p
Also have LG10 now, which isn't bad for less than 3 years of playing i think. :)
LG10 in 3 years is impressive, I only got to that at Xmas and I have been here a lot longer (granted had at least 3 years of not playing in the middle of it but still)
Its a bit extreme :D

I have been playing from 9 years, although I quit for 2 years in between.
Gonna catch up to your LG soon VV. :D
You already did though?
I meant in total points, you're still ahead. :)
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