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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
TG 1

Thanks :D
Everyone's busy on Sunday I suppose <.<
E p o

Everyone's busy on Sunday I suppose <.<

More like everybody is lazier on Sundays
lazier on Sundays
Lazy people tend to sit on pc or mobile still no ones here o.O
Lazy enough to sit on pc or mobile and not post here
Lazy people tend to sit on pc or mobile still no ones here o.O

Plenty of people here, plenty of people just don't want to post. :)
get overworked at mt++, outburnt and faint, I must take a break now.
That's why I don't want to do a job.
They make us do loads and loads of work -.-
Someone's having a hard time in roulette I suppose
nah its cool..
Good thing
for RevolutionRebel:

How are you doing at MT? by the looks of the potion of skills you've used thats a fair bit of bronzes! Any good scores competing for top spots in their (other than with deon which I assume is 100% or close to)

I'm currently 15/18 for wizard which may be competitive for that faction (2 of my losses were to dwarves, which have an advantage against most wiz builds I think, and so consequently likely to mean most wizards at CL16 have some losses).
9 from 17 for dwarf now, which I am happy with - around 50% when underpowered is a result in my mind.
Piece of advise, dont play cards with Niranjan, he cheats :/
Kind of saves all 3 dragons, toys with you, and then while you are sitting and waiting for the deck to give you a dragon card, BOOM< he uses all 3.
thats called playing, not cheating #
for Lord MilesTeg:
15/16 for 2 factions, and 15/17 for another 2 factions, that would be 2 gold at least and 4 gold if lucky.
What's MT?
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