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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Of course I remember buddy, I see roulette isn't treating you very well.
It never did xD
I got my gold back which i earned just when i started this game back so no more roulette!
Hope so :p
It isn't easy :p Especially when you get the taste of winning big :p
Tell me about it xD
Especially when you get the taste of winning big :p
Thats the taste im in need of xD
Tell me about it xD
But someone else is tasting it quite often :p
Winning big though o.O?
Not today xD
Then time it and don't hit with 5 - 10 :P
for Niranjan: See, now this is some solid advice, follow it.

can't really help that if he comes at you

Haven't gotten use to them by now ? :P

still makes my angry

poor dwarf is getting kicked around :(
I need better weapons to win :'(
for Niranjan:
Stop crying okay, you were literally bullying other factions as a Knight :p
I need better weapons to win :'(

Then get better factions

weapons rathe
People here are talking about their other factions and im here getting my .... kicked with main faction ._.
Lately it's gotten quite quite here
*quiet :*

Any idea how this guy who met me in an ambush was behaving like an AI
I seriously mean it.. on the blink of an eye every move.. Totally
He didn't have a mirror of change

6. This forum section does not answer questions like "How do I play as a level 5 Barbarian?" or "Can I defeat 555 Archers in a hunt?". For additional information on neutral creatures, spells, guilds and other topics, consult external game resources such as http://help.ordenmira.ru

Is this rule no longer eligible ?
Not really - it's probably coming from when there were dedicated threads to each faction that was bumped periodically.
Ok Thanks.
6514 ?
So quiet
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